Jack's adventure | Teen Ink

Jack's adventure

October 14, 2015
By Jbrock BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Jbrock BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

28 August 2015
Jack's Adventure
“Look out” yelled Susan as the fireball whizzed past the left ear of Jack. As the walls come tumbling down Jack rolls out of the way and sprints towards the monster that had thrown the fire ball and he leaps into the air and comes down hard with his sword and stabs the monster in the head. As he was getting up though another fireball came past his head it just missed by a little bit. He scans the place looking for were the fireball came from then he sees the fog starting to come out of the mounting side. He knew what was coming next.
A few months earlier Jack was sitting on the beach soaking up the sun when out of nowhere a girl runs right over him they both tumble to the ground the girl pops up and then holds out her hand to help up Jack. She pulls him up and then something flew out of nowhere and tries to grab the girl but Jack aims a kick right at the monster head and hits it and it flies away and lands in the ocean and sinks to the bottom but there were more coming towards them. Jack grabs the girls hand and they take off sprinting towards the exit and they jump behind a car as the flying monsters came towards them. Then the girl pulled out a golden knife and jumped out from behind the car and was about to slash them to death when a bolt of lightning came out of nowhere and hit the monsters to the ground and then they fell to pieces. The girl and Jack walk back to the beach and sit on the blanket that Jack had brought with him then he looks at the girl and says “so” then she starts to tell him about everything she had encountered over the past few months Jack just keeps starring her down while she goes on about her quest or something. When she finished he gets up and starts packing everything up then he helps the girl up and then he asked “What’s your name anyway”
She says “Susan”
Then Susan ask what his name is
And he says “Jack my name is Jack”
Then he says “well you better come home with me then you can leave first thing tomorrow morning.”
Susan says “okay I guess I could use a little rest before going on with the quest.”
So they hop into Jack’s car and take off little did they know that the monsters where following them and they were angry.
They hop out and head into the house that Jack had inherited when his parents died Jack unlocked the door then a bull dog comes bolting out the door and starts licking Susan’s hand she bends down and starts to pet the dog and the dog rolls over and let’s Susan pet it’s stomach. Then Jack says “That is just Billy.” Susan stands back up and walks into the house Jack follows her and then when they walk inside there in the middle of the house was the three monsters that had attacked them at the beach. Susan pulls out her knife and Jack runs into the kitchen and grabs a knife out of the drawer and run back into the living room. When Jack runs back into the room Susan tells him that the knife won’t work on the monsters that only a certain type of gold will kill them. Then he tossed the knife off to the side and then he felt something heavy inside his pocket and when he reached inside he found a pencil and a piece of paper then the monsters looked at him like he is stupid then Jack looked at the pencil and paper then the weirdest thing pop into his head and started to write down what he wanted and he wrote sword and shield and the words started to glow and then they pop off the paper and started to take shape of a sword and a shield. Then they finally formed and he caught a shield and sword and when he caught it he felt the greatest feeling ever he felt need wanted and it felt awesome then he looked up and sprinted so fast that the monsters didn’t even have time to react and he sliced them in half in one smooth motion and then he sliced the rest of the monsters in half. Once he sliced the last one in half he turned around and he saw Susan scared face looking back at him then he felt all of the weight of the sword and shield leave him. Then he looked down and found the pencil and paper in his hand he set the pencil and paper back inside his pocket and then he felt something in his other pocket and reached down and took another piece of paper out of his pocket and he found these words on it you may need these later and when he looked up again Susan had a puzzled look on her face the she asked what the paper said and Jack told her what it said and the she asked who was it from and he told her it didn’t say a name. When they finished talking about where the not came from they had dinner and then went to bed.
Then when they woke up Jack packed all of the stuff they were going to need on the trip to stop this guy that Susan had told him about yesterday when Susan came down she notice that Jack had packed two bags then she said “I won’t being needing two bags of stuff”
Then looked at her and told her that all of this stuff wasn’t for her it was for him to then they started to argue about why Jack can’t come on this trip because it was to dangers for him and then Jack argued back that he had just killed all of these monsters yesterday then Susan argued back that was beginners luck and he couldn’t do again then he did something so amazing that Susan could never forget Jack shot water out of the faucet and right into the dog bowl. Then Susan looked at him and then she asked with a shake scared voice “How did you do that”
Jack just answered in the same type of voice “I don’t know it just happens when I am angry and when I am scared I shot lighting that is what happened at the beach yesterday when where fighting the monsters.”
“At first I was scared then I tried to hide it then yesterday I was just too scared to hide it anymore it just kind of came out of me.” Says Jack
“Man did that felt good to get off my chest” Says Jack
Then Susan asked “When did this start happening?”
Jack answers “I guess right around the time I lost my parent.”
“Why?” asked Jack
“Well I think I know why you have these powers because someone gave them to you like your dad or your mom.” Says Susan
“That can’t be my parents never had powers when they were alive otherwise they would have save themselves when that man shot them.” Says Jack
“Look your mom was a normal person then your dad was a god then they had you and then your dad left and then your mom remarried and your step dad was another god and then the two gods got mad at each other and they got in an argument and they both wanted to be the dad so they both sent some type of their power to you and you got both lighting and water powers from you actually and you step dad and when you were born your mother tough that you could use an actually dad so she could not be alone with a new born.” says Susan
"So what your saying is that my father or fathers are actually gods and that I am just like you and that I should be going to this place that you said you go to where a bunch of other kids that are just like us and train for the real world and we can have our own families and loved ones."
They finally set out after a little more arguing they make it to Ohio before anything bad happened to them. They were going to eat at a dinner when a monster that is half lion, half kangaroo, and half eagle jumps out and charges right at them. It try's to bite them with in half with his lion teeth but it missed and went through the dinner window, went over the table and landed on the floor. It pops up at once and takes off at them again they roll to the side to avoid the attack and to went straight into the gas pump and the handle breaks off and sprays it in the face and then Jack sent a lighting bolt right at its face and set it on fire. The monster then tried to fly away but got hit by a semi they finish their meal and left. They make it to Colorado before they get attack by a huge vulture. At first it looked like a normal vulture from a distance then it got closer and it looked like it could carry a skyscraper it came at them with its sharp claws and tried to slice them with the claws Jack rolled to the side and took out his paper and pencil and wrote lion on the page and a lion popes out and attacks the vulture and then ran off. Finally they made it to Haiwi and at first they looked in caves and in mountains for the villains secret lair finally they find a cave on the side of a mountain they walk in and the walls were black but it was lite up inside with sun light. They didn't see the man behind them and he grabbed Susan and took off towards a hole in the ground at the back of the cave Jack stood there stunned and finally when he came out of his trance he took off after them. He jumps in the hole and it was just like the cave black walls and let it was lite up he didn't expect what to find at the bottom maybe a trap but he didn't care he had to get her back he wasn't about to lose a friend just like he lost his parents he didn't like the feeling of being alone again with no one Susan was his only friend that he had. When he reached the bottom he found a whole in tire palace he got up off the ground and started towards the castle while walking up there he came up with a plan when he finally came up with it he was at the front door he walked right in he saw Susan and got out his pencil and paper and wrote Susan on it and pop there she was standing right next to him. They took off sprinting trying to get back to the cave they made it when an army of monsters stop them and then they started a war right there Jack took the right and Susan the left. Jack was slicing every monsters down that he could reach with his sword he was slicing the last monster down when Susan yelled " Jack look out"
A fireball came wizzing past his head and hit the top of the wall and the wall was coming down he dove out of the way and sprinted right towards the monster that threw the fireball and drove his sword right into his head and then a aonther fireball came right next to his head and hit the wall behind him then the wall started to smoke and the wall opened and a man popped out and he called off the troops that were attacking Jack and Susan. Jack knew that this person had killed his parents and he has come to kill him to Jack yelled " Who are you"
"I am John" said John
Then Jack and Susan charged right at him and started to attack John they swung the knife and sword at the same time but John was faster and blocked both shots and hit Jack in the chest and flung him into the wall and then he hit Susan into the other wall John stocked over to Susan and raised his sword and was about to bring it down on her. Jack came out of his daze and saw Susan about to die Jack found his rage just like when he was ld that his parents are dead and he had to go and live with relative and he jumped to his feet and sprinted towards John and on the way he picked up his sword and swung with all his might but John blocked it and pushed off  Jack then they resumed combate and they were so involed in killing each other they didn't notice the 3 foot hole that they were in. Then Jack disarmed John and then sliced him in half then he got up climbed the side of the pit and helped Susan to her feet  grabed her knife and walked out of the cave and then they went home.

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