The Creatures | Teen Ink

The Creatures

October 15, 2015
By country-club-chickens BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
country-club-chickens BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was in the dark hull of the ship, sound asleep in my bunk; I dreamed of the day I could touch solid ground again, the day I could smell the fresh air and not have to be surrounded by other men. I was awakened when I had heard people frantically walking above me I heard a muffled yell outside my door, and then a sharp pounding against the door. I sat up displeased as I walked to the door and cracked it open, I could see the silhouette of one of my coworkers against the bright lights outside; he said
“Bruce, we have found land” with a proud voice.
  I frantically closed the door ran to my closet and grabbed my uniform; I went into the restroom and combed my brown hair to the right side of my faced, my coworkers describe me as a taller man with brown hair and hazel eyes. Once I had finished I stepped out of my room and went to the helicopter pads. One of the pilots was waiting for me in the cockpit; I struggled to get to the helicopter against its strong swinging blades. He helped me into the helicopters cockpit. We were on our way for land, when randomly as we were discussing where to land we heard a very loud screech from one of the buildings, we tried to locate where the noise came from but after a few minutes of circling the building we decided it was the old rusting metal creaking underneath the weight of the buildings.
We had found a helicopter pad on top of an old hospital that was still intact, and when we landed we heard the old building creak underneath the weight. We stepped out of the helicopter and walked through the hospital, it was dark and eerie with cobwebs against the wall broken windows torn down doors and burnt files of old patients. I bent down to pick up one of the files, and as I was reading it I heard that dreadful scream again but only closer. I blew it off without a thought, I finished rummaging through the building and I walked outside onto the streets which smelled like manure from the previous floods.
I walked down the block to an old science laboratory located on the second floor of a nice sized skyscraper. I busted open the door and I had a rush of decomposing smell rush into me. I had almost vomited at the sight, there were dead animals in the cages along the walls which every cage was labeled with a different animal; some cages had the remains of dogs, cats, ferrets, rabbits, and small livestock like pigs, goats and chickens. But one cage was different in particular, it was busted open and the metal label was bent in half.
  The label read LPO106B, and then I started looking through the files in the drawers and desks. I looked for almost an hour until I found a file labeled “TOP SECRET”. I opened the file which had everything to know about the created species LPO106B. It had pictures describing it characteristics and behaviors and what it was genetically modified from. They say it is a cross of jungle fowl, ostrich, and turkey; stands about 5 feet tall and lives in flocks. Its prey seemed to be a variety of animals small mice to large cattle. I read further into the file, it had three encounters with humans which resulted in an amputated arm, the second victim lost a foot, and the third victim was a fatality.  The files described the creature as being feathered with long arms and short muscular legs, and the head of a black Spanish rooster. As I read to the end of the files it said in red words. The creature has a crow of screeching metal, which can cause deafness if a person is in close proximity of the creature. I read that last sentence over and over until I figured out what those noises were coming from the building, it was the creature LPO106B. I scrambled the files into the folder and hauled out of the building, then I heard the noise again which stopped me dead in my tracks.
I looked into the mirror of on old car that was next to me, the creature was about 130 yards behind me. Then it stopped, stood on its back legs, and then the frill along its back slowly rose as the animals head jerked in my direction. It was confused because it had probably never seen a human before. Then it came bolting at me with incredible agility, I started running for the helicopter not daring to look back. I had made it into the hospital just in time because the creature was so close behind me it could have scraped my neck with its talons. I grabbed the pilot by the collar of his uniform and started pulling him up the stairs. He ripped my hand off his collar and yelled,
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING!” in a rude voice.
I replied “No time to explain, get in the chopper.”
We sprinted up the stairs and before we knew it we were taking off the helicopter when out of nowhere the animal grabbed onto of the men that was controlling the turret. The pilot tried to keep the helicopter strait as I held onto the soldier as he dangled from the helicopter with the animal holding onto his leg. I grabbed the nearest pistol with my free arm and stuck it over the side of the chopper, looked into the creatures big dark blue eyes and shot. Last thing I heard and saw was the thud and the creature’s body twitching wildly on the asphalt below. Once we had made it back to the ship we immediately tended to the solders leg which was torn and scratched.  I left the solder with the nurses and doctor and persuaded the general for permission to go back to the mainland and destroy the creatures. He agreed and gave me the supplies to cull the creatures. He supplied me with Eight-teen helicopters three hundred and sixty solders, seventeen attack dogs, and enough guns for every solder.  It took a few days to prepare and once we were ready, we loaded the helicopters and took off.
Once we had gotten to the city it was dead quiet, there we no sounds besides the whirring sound of the helicopter blades. We saw a flash of red, orange and white run below our helicopter, we stopped and hovered in place, and from inside the building we heard a low bellow and thudding footsteps and as soon as we started to move again a unknown species we hadn’t seen burst through the window of a building and onto the backend of the chopper the men shot at the animal repetitively until its limp body fell to the ground below. We landed the choppers in a large open park then we let the dogs loose and they were hot on one of the creature’s trail.
Before we knew it they had one corned against an alley wall. The dogs were nipping and scratching at the creature until the team put the animal down with a shot to the head.  As the team ventured further and shot more of these animals they noticed something different with each one of them, they either were larger, had bigger heads or teeth, or even longer tails. Then we all came to the conclusion that they were evolving. Some of our men started to build fences surrounding the city so none could get in or out, we had planned to get every creature we possibly could. 
We had gone through half of the city when we had the first fatality, one of the dogs had gotten beheaded by one of the creatures, And was respectively laid in the helicopter to be brought back to the ship for a proper burial.  We were informed that the men had successfully built a fence surrounding the city and that they had no problems with the creatures attacking any of the men. We had killed about three hundred of the animals so far and we had successfully killed every creature in the city limits…

The author's comments:

my pet chickens inspired me to write this. its very funny, they all have different personalities.

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