The Death of Jimmy | Teen Ink

The Death of Jimmy

October 15, 2015
By hutch BRONZE, Winona Lake, Indiana
hutch BRONZE, Winona Lake, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 The detective, Travis, was sitting on his couch watching TV like every morning. Travis got a texted message from a random person asking for help. He looked up the number in the phone book. He found the name in the phone book. The name was Jimmy. He saw his address next to the name. He put on his coat and headed off to Jimmy’s house. After driving a couple hours he found Jimmy’s house. When he approached the house there was a bunch of police men. He parked the car and got out. One police man approached.
“Whoa.” “Don’t step any further.”
Travis pulled out his badge and showed it to him.
“Alright you may go in” said the policeman.
“Thank you,” said Travis.
He walked inside and saw something that nobody wants to see. He saw Jimmy dead on the floor. He examined Jimmy and he saw a note in his pocket. It had an address on it: 2801 North Trump St. He left the house with anger and disappointment. He typed in the address in the GPS. It said Nashville, Tennessee. That was more than a one night trip, so he had no time to waste. He got to his apartment packed and headed out.
When he got to the house it was black with gates and fences saying get out. He hast to find a different way into the house because there was a way he could go through the front door. He circled the house; he saw a key and chains wrapped around the door. 
He went to the nearest hardware store and bought a pair of chain cutters. He got back to the apartment and cut the chains. He started walking to the house, then he heard something like a car. He was looking around and all the sudden a car came out of the house. He started running to the car. The car darted toward the road. Travis ran back to his car and started it. The car wasn’t too far ahead. He followed the car all the way to the edge of Tennessee. Then the guy started to fight back he spun out Travis’s car, but Travis was pretty good with cars. He but on the brakes to try to stop the car from moving and after that spin out he tried to catch up with the guy who killed jimmy. After a while of driving Travis actually caught up to him. The man who killed jimmy parked in the parking lot.
Travis followed him in the parking lot they both got out of their cars. The person who killed Jimmy had a Gun and shot it one time up at the sky to show that it was real. He said have any last words. Travis said “nope do you”?  He started to smile and shot Travis 4 times in the chest. The guy got back in his car and drove away. He didn’t kill Travis but as Travis is waiting there he is losing blood rapidly. He is starting to lose feeling in his body, and then he fainted.
When he woke up he was in the hospital. He had to get out of there because the longer he’s in there the more people the bad guy is going to kill. They patched up the wounds so there was no reason for him to be in there. He tried to sneak out he got to the last level and there was one person waiting for him the guy who killed jimmy. He pulled out a different gun and pointed it to a grandpa who was walking out of the hospital. Someone yelled “GUN”. Travis ran to him and grabbed the gun and pulled the trigger it was a gin that shots out a message saying get well soon. Travis through the gun down, And grabbed him put him in the car and drove to the police station.
When they got there, there was a gang waiting for us Travis new that the gang was with the bad guy.
He got out of the car but this time Travis came prepared. In his car there a pistol that he grabbed and shot at the gang, after he shot all of them he was out of bullets. So now it was just he and the bad guy. They went back and forth hitting each other after a while the cops hooked up a button where you push it and the police come to them. He puched the button and in minutes the police came to arrest him. After they took him to the jail, Travis went back to my house and started to watch TV till the next guy calls. 

The author's comments:

The centeral idea is there is a fguy named travis trying to find the person who killed jimmy.

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