Will I Live? | Teen Ink

Will I Live?

October 15, 2015
By sarah-ocock BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
sarah-ocock BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Dad I know, you don’t need to tell me.” I told him when he left for work.
I went over to the mirror to fix my dirty blond hair, as I looked in the mirror I saw a new scar appear. I got it from Brad, he’s our schools bully. I’ve wanted to go to the mall, so I walked in my parent’s room. They are never home, so I took twenty dollars. As I take the bus to the mall, I noticed it smelled like dead fish. When I got to the Glen Brook mall, I noticed it wasn’t how I remember. It was more of a rugged look, like it was run down or something. But I remembered it was better than my house. When I was in the mall, it was empty. But I also went on a Sunday afternoon. I felt like someone was following me. I turned around and saw this guy who looked like he was 5’9’’, his hair was like a shaggy dogs but looked like he hasn’t brushed it in months. His cloths were all torn up. I was shocked he didn’t get stopped for dress code. With his dark brown jeans and his red shirt. He followed me all through the food court.
I walked out of the mall, and thought I might as well walk home; I only have my dog Stella to go home too.
I had the same feeling as I did in the food court. I turned around and noticed that there was a car behind me. It was a minivan, it had tinted windows so I couldn’t tell if it was the same guy. As I walked home, the minivan seemed to be following me. It wasn’t that noticeable because it was far behind me. But it seemed like it was right beside me. I got home and noticed that Stella was waiting for me. Stella was one of my best friends, she was a golden retriever. As I took Stella for her to go out, I looked around. I noticed the same minivan was parked at an, banded house. I didn’t live in the nicest part of town, or the nicest neighborhood. My neighborhood was the one that if you didn’t carry a knife around with you, you might get into an accident. I don’t even remember the last time my parents were both home, and not working. As Stella was walking in, the guy from the minivan came up to me. I got nervous, I could hear Stella barking from inside. I hid my phone in my back pocket. I started to wonder “What does he want from me, I’m only 14” right then I got this felling. He finally reached me.
“Are you home alone?” asked the creep minivan guy.
I didn’t answer; I was to nerves. he looked like he was going to rob me or worse… he still had those dark brown jeans and red shirt. But now since I can see him closely, I can tell he has brown eyes, dark short black hair, he was skinny, he looked to be 6’2, looked like he hasn’t shaved in a while. But when he talked to me I noticed his teeth were yellow from like tobacco, and they were crooked. 
Right then he took out his hand for me to shake, but there was a rag in it. I took out my hand to shake only because I didn’t want to be rude. The next thing I know I’m knocked out. My mind was going in a hundred different thoughts. I was knocked out on the ground. 
The next thing I know, I woke up. I noticed that I was in the trunk of a car.  I had no clue where I was going.  I screamed like someone had shot me. I had no clue what to do. Where was I going? What is he going to do with me? I look to see what else is in the trunk. I notice there is a shovel. At that point I was hitting the trunk trying to see if it would open. I didn’t succeed; I was running out of options. Right then I felt the car stop. I felt like needles have all stabbed me at the same time. I was shivering not knowing if this was the end.
It was like I could hear this guy’s every move. It was impeccable; he came to the back of the car. I thought, Could I make a run for it? Is it worth it? He opened the trunk; I was too startled to do anything. He pulls out a screw driver and puts it on my neck. My heart dropped and felt like it stopped beating. The screw driver was cold, and the metal started to make a cut on my cheek.
He says, “This is your warning. If I hear you again, you will never walk alone, let alone speak.”
I whisper “Okay.” you could tell I was nervous with my cracked voice.
He slammed the trunk, and right then I had an idea. Was he going to kill me? Would my parents even notice? Why did it have to be me?  I remembered I had my phone in my pocket. I thought he would have taken it. I grabbed it and noticed it was only at twenty percent. I called 911, I told them my problem. They said it would take longer to find me, because I have a disposable phone. Right at that moment it was hard to breath, it felt like my heart was in my stomach. I tried punching out the tail lights, but it didn’t work, and all I could get was a crack in it. I looked out and I saw a mini copper, jeep, minivan, and a police car. I hesitated to do anything. I was excited, that I knew I was going to still live. But I still had to tell the 911 dispatcher. Then I told the dispatcher on the phone I saw a cop car. She screamed in happiness. I read the number off the car. She contacted the police officer. As he pulled us over I waited until I knew the kidnapper was out of the car. Then I was screaming like it was my last scream, but it wasn’t. I was jolted in happiness that I would still be alive. The cop took the kidnapper into his car. Just in case he ended up driving away still with me. I was waiting until the police officer opened the trunk. I got out and fell to the ground. But right then I woke up.

The author's comments:

I had a dream that this happened to me, and so I wrote it.

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