bummble bee | Teen Ink

bummble bee

October 9, 2015
By kylebaumgartn20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
kylebaumgartn20 BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

11 September 2015
bubble bee
It was hot bright sunny day on the streets of Chicago.  I look down and see all the little human army people with all of their weapons pointed up at us.  Then a swarm of my brothers went right by me and I knew it had begun.  It was a helpless feeling watching them die down there as I was up here not allowed to go help.  All I was allowed to do was fly way above.
“How’s it going” my best friend Jason asked.  Jason is the captain in the bumble bees, an elite team that go on all the special missions.
“Not good, I just feel so helpless up here,”  I said.
“It’s okay Billy, I’m sure you will get your chance” Jason said.
"Thank you," I said.
And I did (kinda). I got to build the honey bombs. Which were basically just big balls of honey that exploded when it hit something. Which did almost nothing.  Well, not to a bee, we are immune to it.  It would kill a human instantly if it landed near them. 
None of the bees wanted to go to war.  We just want them to leave us alone up here,  but of course they don’t.  For the past three years they have been trying to kill us, but all that did was get our leaders enrage.
Now we have started our first attack, and I know in my heart that this won’t stop until either one of us dies,  which I hope won’t be us.  It is obvious to everyone that we are way outnumbered and are dying to fast.  We were on the edge of defeat. Then I hear...
             "Billy?" The commander of our army said.
"Yes sir." I said

" As you probably have figured out by now, we’re on on the verge of defeat,”  he said.
"I have sir," I said.
"And as it seems you are the only honey bomber still combat ready."He said.
"Yes sir I am"I said.
"Are you ready?"
             "Yes sir"
             "Good because you are our last hope..." he said.
             My mission was to drop the honey bomb on the weapons storage and destroy it.  Next thing I knew I was fitted up with a bullet vest.  I was given honey bomb bigger than any I've ever seen before.  I thought to myself this isn't a weapon to destroy the weapons storage...this is a weapon to destroy everything...
              "Are you ready Billy?" the commander asked.
             "Yes sir," I said although I don't know if I can do this.
               "Good let's get you up to the platform." He said.
              It felt like forever to get there even though it only took five minutes.  My heart is beating a thousand times per minute.
              "Come on Billy time to go," the commander said.
                My heart was pounding 1000 beats per second. I could barely hear my own thoughts.
               I was told to go now. I jumped, then started flapping my wings. I was flying now. All I had to do was drop it and get out of the blast zone.  But how could I kill thousands of people.
"I can't do this," I said to myself.
I turned around and headed back to our hive. I heard them screaming.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" they yelled.
Then I flew above the hive, I thought I could end this.  A bomb like this could kill anything even a bee.  I flew way above the top of the hive and dropped the bomb.
It seemed like forever before it hit. Then BOOM! Everything would be dead. I have to get out of here I thought. I flew as fast as I can away. I knew that if anything survived the blast it would kill me.
Then I landed. The blast hit me. And then everything went black...

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