Jack The Killer | Teen Ink

Jack The Killer

October 9, 2015
By bosss BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
bosss BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

11 September 2015
Jack The Killer
I knew I had a big job to do today. I didn't think it would be this big though.
As I peeled open my eyes I saw something big and fluffy sitting on my stomach. Then it licked me and meowed. It was my cat. His name is Puppy.
“Puppy stop licking me,” I said.
I hopped out of bed and went to the kitchen and had some huno.(Huno is a type of breakfast cereal that we super people eat on our planet Wadeville). I got a big bowl because I had no dinner the night before.
After I was done eating I gave Puppy some water and food. When I was done feeding him ,I took a shower and got ready for the day. I put my red suit on. It is a red shirt and pants that have a white stripe down the side. It also has a big blue circle with a D and F overlapping. After I'm done putting my suit on, I step outside and take a breath of the cold, fresh air. I shut the door behind me.
“Meow,” Puppy groans.
I immediately feel sad because I have to leave him home.
“Bye Puppy I will miss you!” I shout.
As I walk across the crispy grass to the sidewalk I start thinking about what my mission for today will be. Down at the end of the sidewalk, there was my Racebon (Thats another word for a motorcycle that runs on water.) My Racebon is red with a white stripe on both sides. It also has blue handle bars and seat. It also has a big sticker with my name on it "The Dark Fang."
I started the engine.
"Vroooom" The sweet sound of my Racebon is the best noise ever. As I speed down the highway I think about what job my commander will give me today. Her name is Megan. She usually gives me something that I will like. Last week she gave me a job where I had to help someone from being beat up because their dad was hurting them. I always like jobs that I can connect with.
I arrive at The Mega Hole which is the place in Megan's secret lab where she gives me my jobs. It has electronic things all over the walls. It is a normal shop I have to type some numbers so I can get down to the Mega Hole. 
I park my Racebon on the side of the road, take off my helmet, and race inside. Once I'm inside I put a secret code in the desk so It opens up the door to the slide that leads to the lab. It's black and white like a zebra print.
I'm finally make my way down to the lab Megan is sitting in her twisty chair as usual.
She says, "Good morning," then begins typing
I run over to get some coffee but it's very cold so I use my laser vision and make it warm.
I ask "What type of job do I have today?"
Megan says, " It has something to do with Jack again."He is trying to kill Bailey's parents again."
I say, " I don't even know why he keeps killing people, maybe so he can get money from his boss."
I'm not gonna let him kill another person's parents like he did to mine when I was only six. I'm gonna stop this guy from making another kid feel like they made their parent die. He killed so many people now it's his turn to die. He can fly and he is pretty smart.
Blake walks in the room.
He says "Hi."
Blake is Megan's brother. He was bullied when he was a kid.
Megan says to me" Go get Jack and take him down this time."
I go down the slide, and run out the door , and hop on my Racebon. I put the key in and start the ignition. I drive to the alley between Buffalo and Beef street. On both sides of the alley I see two big old buildings. The paint is falling off from the harsh weather in the past.
I see Bailey's parents, so jack must be coming soon. I see Jack in his stupid yellow suit that is too tight on him.
I swing up behind a bar. I wait until he is about to hurt them then I swing down and kick him in the head. They run and I stand over him and kick him in his ribs. The sound of each rib breaking was very gross. I wanted to get him back for killing my parents.
He begs, "Stop, please stop."
I can't keep going. He has the same look on his face that my mom did when she died.
"Stop stop stop stop stop."
I couldn't so I called the cops and left him lay there on the ground.
As I rode away on my Racebon, I remembered my mom and dad being killed by Jack. Then I  pulled in to Megan's hole. I could see the fury on her face. You would never believe what happened next.


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