memories of another kind | Teen Ink

memories of another kind

September 8, 2015
By Mysteriously_anon BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Mysteriously_anon BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dreams. Dreams are a funny thing. They are Good, Bad, Neutral, Scary, And Funny all at once. so what happens when suddenly they become reality. When suddenly your stuck in your dream and cant find a way out. That's what happened to me. or at least how it felt.

i shut my door slowly. it was three in the morning wouldn't want mom to wake up and kill me. slowly and skillfully i climbed up the ladder to my loft bed. Where i laid Down and quickly slipped into a dream. i awoke in a dark room and immediately looked at my surroundings. okay cool, i have been in this dream before. i can easily navigate through this one. i stood up and walked to my left felling along the cold frigid walls. looking, no not looking. but searching for a door handle. this was always the part that changed in my dream walking. the doors. they were never in the same place. always moving. i was so busy thinking to my self that i nearly missed the circular door knob that slid into my grip. ha-ha i thought to myself in a french accent as i threw open the door. no. No. NO. this was all wrong that door should've led me to a beach not this. i frantically slammed the door and threw it open again. NOTHING. nothings changing why isn't it changing. wheres the beach. where is my sanctuary. suddenly i felt a cold chill run down my spine. "i'm not alone am i..." i whispered to the darkness. opening the door again i sprinted out trying to escape the now evil presence that was congesting the room. i darted through the halls. Left, Right, Right, Left. I turned and weaved through the passage ways that seemed to extend an eternity.

From behind me i heard an unearthly grow that froze me in my tracks and forced me to turn around. two glowing red eyes floated in the middle of the pitch blackness. coming closer and closer. i fought the urge to stay and be hypnotized by them. turning around i ran. windows and rooms whizzed past me as i flew through the halls of this unknown labyrinth. after running for what seemed like a century i slowed and thought of a way i could get out of this place and on top of that how i even got here.. that when it hit me i should jump out the  window. my fingers fumbled with the window seal. i opened it just as i felt three claws rake at my back. sliding down the roof and onto the ground. i looked up to the building. in the window was a ten foot tall black void. with bright red eyes in the middle of it. they rocketed out of the building towards me. i pinched myself. my fail safe to wake me up. i jolted out of my slumber with a cold sweat running down my face. PHEW i was home. i waited patiently for my eyes to adjust. looking to my left towards my door hoping to see a light underneath it. nothing just solid..... black.... slowly looking up my eyes met two glowing red eyes. i screamed as they lunged at me.

The author's comments:

this is just a spur of the moment thing

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