Lee's Suprise | Teen Ink

Lee's Suprise

June 4, 2015
By Anonymous

For Lee, it started off as a normal, everyday Saturday. Lee got up to the sunrise and the sound of the birds chirping. He washes his his face and his red hair, then gets dressed in shorts and a t-shirt.  He then goes downstairs to eat breakfast only to find an envelope. In side that envelope was a clue to a scavenger hunt. The clue reads “ 15.0-13.0”. Lee does the math and gets an answer of 2.0, he thinks about what that 2.0 means and realizes that his dad drives and VW 2.0. Once he arrives at the car parked in the garage he finds and new quad that he has been asking for, for years, on Christmas and his Birthday, and now he has one. There's another clue on the quad, it reads “Through mud, water, grass , and over the hills lies an essential component, follow the trail that will guide you.” Lee gets on the quad and follows the clue only to find a can of gas, and to his surprise its empty. Lee looks around that doesn’t see any other clues.
After, Lee hurry’s back home to find some money to pay for gas, all he find is $10.00 for one tank of gas. After his first tank he says to himself “ I can’t afford all this gas, I need a job, but were?” Lee looks on Craigslist for job opportunities, find nothing, he looks in the Sunday paper the next morning only to find that the new hair salon is hiring a cleaning person. As Lee gets to the salon he fills out his application and turns it in, since he was the first to apply for the job,  his interview was the same day. Lee ends up getting the job and rides his bike over to the salon after school everyday to work for 4 hours and earn $15.00/hours. In the next two weeks Lee has a very hard time at the salon, he breaks the vacuum cleaner, a window, and the only broom the salon has. Lee then stands in panic in hopes that the manager won’t come into work that day.While Lee works their are woman getting their hair cut, hair coloring, and their nails painted. He thinks to himself “I hope I don’t get fired, I need this job, please let me keep this job!!!” One of Lee’s friends from school see Lee at the hair salon and started laughing at him, calling him a mama’s boy… Lee tries to avoid this bully as he sweeps the back floor with a broom that he brought from his house since the one the store had was broken by him.
Furthermore, The thursday before Lee would receive his first paycheck to pay for gas for his quad a man walks in the salon with a gun and started stealing all the nail polish. The salon doesn’t have cameras so when Lee came in that Friday for his paycheck, the manager asks him why he stole all the nail polish, Lee goes through the whole spiel about the robbery and everything. The manager doesn’t believe a word Lee says, She respond with “ Your paycheck is going towards fixing this, if something like this happens again you will be fired!!” Lee goes home that day sad, mad, and a little scared. The Next two weeks go by and nothing happens, Lee has perfect attendance at work and nothing is stolen or broken. After working very hard Lee finally earns his first paycheck. The first thing he does is go to the gas station to fill up his gas tank.
In addition, once he is done filling up his tank he gets a voicemail message from his dad that says, He gets to go on a trip with his dad that his dad’s work is paying for. They get to go to Carlsbad California, a city known for their motocross tracks and ORV parks. Lee brings his quad with him, as he is riding it in the ORV park he sees that their is and big crowd of people swarming around a big stage. Lee stops to find out what is going on and sees his idol, Travis Pastrana, A famous motocross rider.
In conclusion, Lee gets what he finally wanted, money for gas, gets to meet his idol, and Lee got to spend time with  his dad, and have the best vacation of his childhood. While his mom at home, is planning her surprise for Lee for his upcoming Birthday. She tries to incorporate something that Lee loves while trying to teach him a lesson about life.

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