the boy in the closet | Teen Ink

the boy in the closet

June 2, 2015
By branden187 BRONZE, Harker Heights, Texas
branden187 BRONZE, Harker Heights, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was bedtime and the little boys mother was tucking him in. “there’s something in my closet” the boy told his mom. She went over to the closet door and opened it, the boy hid under the covers. “There’s nothing in here” she said to her scared son. Finally the boy was okay and began to sleep with no worry.

Hours later, the boy woke up to a strange sound coming from his closet. Scared, the boy sat for a while to see if something was going to come out. After a bit the boy was curious and wanted to face his fear. When he opened the door there was nothing there but a scary blackness. He moved behind his hanging clothes and he saw a secret door. He went inside. At the other end of the secret door there was a strange new place the boy never saw before. The boy went farther and farther into the new world, amazed at what he was seeing. Once he found a pond, things started to get weird. Everything started to get dark and all the pretty colors were going away. So he decided to leave.

On his way back he ran into a big furry wall. The boy backed up and was staring at the wall. After a bit the wall started to move. But this wall was no furry wall. This wall was a big dog. The dog didn’t look too happy, and the dog started to chase the boy.

Faster and faster the boy ran away, looking for his way back home. Far away, the boy the door and he started to run faster. As he got closer the door opened wider and the dog got closer. At the last second, the boy jumped through the door and it slammed shut. Out of breath, the boy crawled his way back to his room and climbed into bed.

He lay wide-awake as his mom came in to check on him. “What’s wrong?” she asked the boy. “I think there’s something in my closet”

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