The Battle of Townsville | Teen Ink

The Battle of Townsville

June 1, 2015
By evan alzner BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
evan alzner BRONZE, Kalamazoo, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bang! “We need a medic over here!”, Johnson said.  Carlos lost his arm in the explosion”,  Johnson shouted.  Nick the medic came sprinting over.  Luckily, Carlos was the only injured one.  They had gotten ambushed by the .  They knew they had to fight back, win the war.  If they didn’t,  the world would be destroyed by Senor Wallinson.  So they hauled their troops up onto the hills and marched toward the war.  Their planes flew over them toward the enemy to bomb them.  They reloaded their guns  at the top of the hill.  They scouted the area.  It was a beautiful day, sun shining, guns firing, people dying,  the war raged on.  There was a new road with fresh painted lines, covered in bullets.  There were tall and short buildings.  All different shapes and sizes, there must have been at least 100 colors, with blood red being the largest.  It was all too much at one time, but still the soldiers raged on.  Johnson, the sniper,  climbed to the top of a building and got into position.  Calling into his walkie talkie, he told his team to move in.  Johnson had the first shot, saving Smith who was about to get cut in half from a muscular man holding a machete.  The bullet hit him in the head.  Moments later an enemy soldier took Smith hostage.  Smith, a tiny kid, scrawny and pale, was only 17.  He tried to escape but the anxiety was too much to handle, especially when the enemy pulled out a knife. The anxiety, oh the anxiety, Smith thought.  Then he was knocked out.

When he woke up, he was being interrogated, they asked him his name, but he didn’t answer anything, so they shot him in the leg.  He screamed in pain and instantly saw that now was his chance to escape, the enemy thought he was going to start answering their questions, but he started to attack. Kicking and punching, he fought his way out of the building.  Then the smell got to him and he got sick, and the enemy regained control.  The smell of the room was as bad as 1,000 dead rats decaying for 100 years. 

Gun shooting, sniper aiming, the call came in from Erik that Smith was taken.  Smith and Johnson were best buds at the base.  Johnson screamed in rage as he told the team to find him..  They split into two man teams and search every house, valley, hill, and car.  They needed to get a move on so they took out their hoverboards and raced around.  They started hearing a incredibly annoying sound and looked up to see Senor Wallinson flying away with Smith hanging from a rope on the plane.  He was almost dead and was dripping blood.   Johnson hit the engine of the plane with one shot and the plane tumbled downward.  Smith dropped out of the rope and parachuted down, then hobbled away.  Johnson took out a grenade launcher and shot at the plane, BANG!  Everyone in the plane died.  Unfortunately,  Senor Wallinson, the dirty mexican,  ran away as the plane crashed.  Smith had hobbled on a broken leg all the way back into the city and went into the same building Johnson was in.  Johnson called the medic just as he spotted Senor Wallinson walking through the woods.  Johnson decided to take a shot, he thought, why not, the war was already hell, so he pulled the trigger right as he saw Senor Wallinson fall over and die,  right as everyone yelled in joy for what he was doing, right as he heard the BANG!

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