Pigeons, Peanuts, and the Presence of Bertha | Teen Ink

Pigeons, Peanuts, and the Presence of Bertha

June 1, 2015
By Anonymous

For as long as he could remember, he had felt out of place. There are over one million pigeons in New York City, always moving, always going. How is it that just he could feel like such an outsider?
The honking of horns woke him up, as always. As he fluttered around he took in the views like he did every day, scavenging for bits and pieces of peanuts (his favorite food) that the foolish humans cast aide. The sidewalks, like highways, move at top speed with boatloads of people going in all different directions. The skyscrapers, stretching towards the bright blue sky, stand still like giants looming over the vast sea of people. And of course, the pigeons. As he was one of them, he knew the most about them. The resilience of his species, able to thrive in the Big Apple, of all places. They flew around looking for food, much like himself, no purpose to life other than to survive. He wanted more...
As I fly around the city, I take notice of the variety of humans. Pigeons are almost identical animals, yet somehow humans manage to take form in different colors and sizes. I look at my reflection in the window of one of those metal giants and see a gray blob; wings, feet, a dash of purple here and there. When I look at them, I see creativity in their hair, clothing and faces. They are all so diverse, I wish we pigeons had that privilege. “How I would love to become one of them” I think. “I remember my dear deceased best friend, Bertha, had told me rumors of the Witch of Greenwich Village, who has the power to transform pigeons. If I can find the Witch of Greenwich Village, I can find my happiness.” Right there and then, I decided to go forward with my dream... to find my place as one of them, a human!
I spent all day searching for the Witch of Greenwich Village. I tore through the flora lined streets, searching for the one they call “T.W.G.W”. After hours of a desperate rampage through the Village, my dearest Berta came to me in a pigeon-vision. “Enrique... you have almost found the Witch... She is in the basement of the building right in front of you...” Bertha said. “Bertha, is that you?” I asked, but she was already gone. I flew as fast as I could to the basement, speeding through the humans. That’s when I saw her, The Witch of Greenwich Village!
She is the most unique human I have ever seen, bright green hair and black talons for nails. She spoke with a high-pitched thrill as she invited me in, “Enrique, I was expecting you, come in!” I cautiously fluttered through her doorway. She got right down to business. “So you want to become human, eh? Well I’m not going to do it for free. I will make you human if you promise to never eat peanuts again, EVER!” She declared. “You wouldn’t!” I gasped, surprised at her high demand. “How badly do you want this Enrique?” She asked. I looked to the floor pondering my dilemma, “Should I stay an outsider in the pigeon world for the rest of my life, or give up my favorite food for my happiness?” That’s when I decided. “I want... I want to become a human!” I announced, proud and confident of my choice. “So you shall become Enrique the pigeon,” she said. Then the Witch began to chant, “Bippity boppity booman, Enrique is now a human!”
As soon as chanted the words, I began to grow. Slow at first, then all too fast. After the growing stopped, the Witch took out a full length mirror. “Care to see the new Enrique?” She asked. I looked in the mirror, and it was a human I saw staring back at me. He looked around 20, very tall with dark hair that had one purple stripe. I was ecstatic, I finally felt like I fit in! I thanked the Witch and left, but not before she sternly reminded me of our deal. No peanuts seemed like a bargain for the deed she had done for me.
The next week felt like a dream. I walked among the humans, whom I had envied for all of my life. I made friends and fit in, it was great! I ate hot dogs, pizza and cake, but all the while I had a strong craving for peanuts. After another week,  the cravings got stronger, then even stronger again the next week. My craving for peanuts became so strong that I returned to the Witch, and begged her to return me to my pigeon state. “No Enrique, I cannot undo a spell. I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to live out the rest of your life as a human that cannot eat peanuts” she said solemnly. “No, it cannot be, I can’t survive without peanuts!” I cried. “I am sorry Enrique but this, this is who you are now.”

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by NYC and some good peanuts. 

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