Imagination's Imitation Land | Teen Ink

Imagination's Imitation Land

April 23, 2015
By TheDylster BRONZE, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
TheDylster BRONZE, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Matt, the strangest and most unique being in the existence of everything. He is nocturnal, he only eats when in the presence of an exact replica of Zeus doll, and everytime he walks forward his arms do not bob back and forth, they stay completely still. Not only does he act strange, his strangeness is also reflected by his appearance. He is short (4 feet, 8 inches to be exact), he wears a gray and tough jacket from what appears to be Rhino skin, his eyes do not match each other, one is ruby red and the other is the exact opposite, sea blue, and he has an absolute pure white snow mountain for hair. One day whilst Matt was out on his nightly stroll he ran into something quite peculiar looking. He ran into a massive hole. He was intrigued by this hole and made the decision to examine it. As he approached it, he realized how whopping this void actually was. It was impossible to see the bottom of the hole as it was too deep and aphotic. Leaning over the opening, Matt studied all he could see. It was vacant and deserted. Without hesitation Matt peered to his left, seized hold of a palm-sized rock and chucked it in. Seconds passed and it seemed as if it was a never ending pit, until a soft splash sound came echoing back up to his sensitive ears. Matt, being the daring and slightly insane kid he was, decided upon what normally would be a last resort. He wanted to jump straight in, and that is exactly what he did. He had nothing to lose, and a whole lot to gain. Matt leaped into the hole as both excitement and panic painted his face. It took a couple seconds of freefall until he was met with the bottom of the pit, the water. He hit the water and he was instantly disoriented; he could not see a single thing and he was oblivious to which direction was up and which direction was down. The water being incredibly frigid did not help his confusion. Matt regained orientation and quickly floated his way to the top. He threw his head out gasping for air and choking up green grimy water and small strands of seaweed. He swam his way to what appeared to be the exit, and climbed out of the filthy water. Now, he was in a dim-lighted mysterious tunnel with a sliver of glow and hope in the distance. Matt dashed down the hall grinning more and more as he went. He would have kept going if he was not abruptly stopped. “HAULT!” A tall figure wearing a long black coat, shimmered right in front of Matt, “What brings you here, in the presence of such an outstanding and all powerful god such as myself?”


“Well Mr. Brag-A-Lot, I jumped down here out of pure curiosity,” Matt responded with sass. “HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT A DEITY OF THIS CALIBER?”


The man looked outraged. “If you’re really that high of a caliber, don’t you think I would know who you are?” Matt was beginning to question the authenticity of what this man was speaking.


“I am the almighty Morpheus, god of dreams and son of Pasithea and Hypnos.” “If you’re so almighty why are you right here in an unusual underground tunnel, and not Mount Olympus?” “This is my home, this is where I live,” he paused and turned around, “welcome to my humble abode.” Directly behind Morpheus was the light in which Matt had noticed earlier. “May I enter?” Matt asked. “You may, but I must warn you. The likelihood of you getting trapped in there is great.” Fear entered Matt’s eyes. “Why?” Morpheus fell oddly silent. The two of them held eye contact for five whole seconds. Keeping his deep gaze, Morpheus stepped aside for Matt. Matt advanced his way down the tunnel towards the luminous glow. He made his way to the end and was overwhelmed and blinded by the radiance of the immense brightness. His pupils constricted and he hastily flinched as the light was way too fulgid for any mortal to even come close to handling. It could’ve lighted up the entire universe in a single flash. Smoke started to rise from Matt’s pale skin but he trekked on through the pain of his skin literally being burned, and his eyes being permanently damaged. It was all worth it though, as when Matt finally made it out he was astonished by what he came in vision with. It was nothing he had ever seen before (or was it?). The first thing he noticed was a cow, but this was not your regular farm cow. No, this cow was outlandish; instead of black spots this cow had stripes, vivid and bright stripes ranging from cattleya to smaragdine. His head was a perfect square shape and his body was quite ovalish. His eyes were covered by black round sunglasses and his vibrant gamboge-colored hooves were connected to five pure gold legs. The cow turned to Matt, looked at him, and let out something quite unexpected. The cow let out a hushed meow and started to pace in the opposite direction. The idea of such a funky cow left Matt flabbergasted. He took five seconds to attempt to realize why exactly there was such an unusual beast right in front of him. In fact, he was so distracted that he had not even noticed what was behind that cow, until he was forced to be vigilant by the sheer horror of what was jaunting around, which was just about impossible to miss. It was just taller than the Eiffel Tower but far less appealing to the eye. It was an absolutely colossal spider with slimy, scaly, Black Mambas for legs. The snakes were obsidian black with a splash of blood red to them and they coiled around each other as yellow venom constantly dripped from their razor-sharp, cracked, stained fangs. Their eyes fed off of the immense fear of all creatures they come in contact with; the bigger Matt’s fear built up inside him, the more evil the eyes seemed to become. It came across extremely well that those snakes lived off of dread and despair, and boy were they starving. Covering the spider were ten feet long, dark brown, dried out pieces of absolutely filthy and greasy strands of hair. These pieces of hair were home to trillions of cannibalistic cockroaches and lice, that squirmed their way throughout the strands feeding off other dead cockroaches, lice, and spider flesh as there was nothing else for them to chew on. The spider’s eight eyes were also black, but these eyes did not seem evil, they just seemed to replicate the spider’s soul: dead and lifeless. On the side of the spider closest to Matt was a scar where it had previously been injured, still dripping in boiling blood. As Matt was observing this scar, it was ripped open by millions of hideous bats wheezing as they flew downwards towards the fiery pits of the Underworld. But the real creepiness seemed to lie in how the spider had moved. It did not bring its legs up as you usually do in the process of walking, it used the snakes to glide across the ground, viciously hissing as they went. Behind the spider a trail of needlessly poisonous venom mixed in with dead critters and long hairs covered in the spider’s saliva followed. Matt was paralyzed in shock, and only his trembling stopped him from being completely still. His whole face turned as pale white as his ridiculous hair, and he uncontrollably sweated gallons upon gallons of fear scented sweat. His now dilated eyes crossed and his body pumped excessive amounts of adrenaline to his heart and muscles; he could have had a heart attack on the spot. His fear seemed to reflect upon his surroundings as well, because the once green graceful grass beneath his feet was now charcoal-colored creepy cement. Not only were the rolling hills now erupting volcanoes, but the peaceful beach was now being destroyed by chaotic tsunamis and hurricanes. The lovely Monarch Butterflies turned to the ugliest moths Matt had ever seen, and the galloping majestic Zebras turned to groaning ogres and trolls. With his jaw still locked open, Matt swiveled his body just in time to identify a one thousand foot spider leaping through the air, squirting venom in all directions heading right towards him. During this strange transformation the spider managed to creep up on Matt without him noticing. Matt panicked and all he could think to do was fall to the ground and land in a fetal position. While Matt was on the ground he had a strange case of Deja Vu, as if he had seen the spider before. He quickly came to the realization of what was happening. He remembered that spider from somewhere, but not from real life. He remembered it being a prevalent figure from his night terrors. Then he suddenly remembered all of it, the cow he had seen earlier, the trolls, the ogres, the moths and even all the beautiful things that was once there. This was not real life, this was a dream.


Matt took deep breaths and calmed his heart rate down to a normal pace, and just as he had done so, his surroundings had too. The Ogres were back to Zebras, the ground was grass again and everything was back to its original state. Now Matt was dazed in utter confusion. He thought back to what Morpheus had told him, about how he said that he might become trapped, Matt shuddered at the thought of being stuck inside such a place of evil and confusion. He peered up at the sky and demanded that Morpheus, his enslaver, set him free. He had even tried Zeus, but it was useless, they did not care and he knew this. After thirty whole minutes of screaming and begging, Matt reluctantly gave up and settled down for a nap. He rose from his slumber six hours later. It appeared as if the very same dreams he had as he was asleep transferred over to real life, to the dream land, because the very same costly and extravagant mansion he had just dreamed up was right in front of him, the same exact one that was in his dream.


At first Matt enjoyed his stay in his magical dream land, but after hundreds of years and billions of thoughts, ideas, and dreams he dreaded his own life. It was not interesting anymore, therefore the dream land itself became less interesting, and Matt found himself stuck in an endless paradox of sheer boredom. To this day Matt is trapped inside his own mind, because as we all know, thoughts and ideas are infinite, they last forever. Matt’s physical body may be rotting away in a field somewhere, but his thoughts will stand the test of time and live on forever.

The author's comments:

We were reading myths in school and our teacher assigned us to pick a question out of the ones she supplied and write a myth of our own. I picked "What is in the middle of the earth" and this is what I wrote. I hope you guys enjoy it!

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