The One Bullet | Teen Ink

The One Bullet

May 1, 2015
By Anonymous

Two swords were unsheathed, the metallic swipe sound made as they barely touched echoed in the heart of the holder. Breathing as silently as possible, as if saving oxygen, she crept closer around the dark corner. Her black leather boots made the lightest tap with every step. Her dark eyes peaked around the corner, and a single hair strand dangled as she leaned her head to get a better look. A guard suddenly appeared and she gasped and hid behind the corner, flattening herself against the wall. She didn’t breathe the smallest bit now. She slowly heard the footsteps of the guards’ boots coming closer, closer, they were echoing. She heard the click of the gun being prepared. How did she have a fighting chance with swords when those guards had machine guns? She didn’t even know. ----. She slowly waited for the guard to turn his head around the corner. She held her sword prepared to stab it through the guard’s chest. She held her breath, concentrating solely on the footsteps. And then something black shifted around the corner and she jabbed her sword as fast as she could as the noise of a bullet echoed through the hallway...then she lay there, shaking and breathing. The dead body of her assassin lied next to her, unmoving at all. She spread her arms for support, and tried to sit up, but pain from her side cause her to fall flat on her stomach and face again. The bullet, the bullet. Why did it have to pierce her side.. She was too frightened to even look at the dark crimson pool slowly forming next to her on the floor. Was she going to die…? She was slowly turning number by the moment, she shakily breathed and slowly blinked her eyes, slower and slower, her cheek pressed against the cold concrete. She let out a sigh and went unconscious, right before noises of footsteps and yells echoed through the hallway.Her heartbeat seemed way louder than it usually was. It wasn’t just her heart pumping, it was her whole body. She felt feverish, and she blinked her eyes open. The ceiling, sickeningly white, blurred before her eyes focused. She looked to her right and saw a slowly humming hospital machine. She looked at the IV and the long tube that came from her arm. She saw her heartbeat on the TV screen. She lived..? She barely shifted and resisted screaming out in pain. Ok, not doing that again. She heard a pair of footsteps and the hum of a conversation in the hallway. So.. she got put in this hospital. Who saved her? She didn’t even know.. it wasn’t Nyxus.. was it? Nah.. Nyxus had been long gone. She closed her eyes and and she felt the wetness of tears on her cheeks. She wiped them with her left arm, for moving her right arm sent unbearable pain throughout her whole side. She wasn’t even able to enter the headquarters. A guard had shot her down. Was everyone else okay? She almost wished that they would all come in the door, laughing at her pathetic failure. She dreaded the thought of the dead bodies of her closest friends lying cold on the floor, in their own crimson pools. Especially Nyxus..

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