Attacked? | Teen Ink


April 20, 2015
By Anonymous

Ugh, why can’t I be normal…every thing I do somehow is wrong! Zoe thought. Zoe, blonde hair and gray eyes, was 11 years old.  She was in her secret hideout in the blue doghouse.  She was kicked out of every school she had been to. Zoe had ADHD and Dyslexia.  Todd Blú, her father hated her, he often muttered under his breath,  “Why me, why I’m I stuck with this blasted child. I told her to take her take back,  but she said no, Why can’t this child be smart?” Zoe was not one of happiest child as you can tell. 
    Zoe ran into the bushes and she heard a women’s voice.
“Zoe, follow the path of the leaves to the golden stair case.” As the voice was talking, a path of leaves materialized and Zoe started walking. “Be warned young hero, this will not be an easy journey.”
  Zoe kept walking and walking, her legs became numb and she couldn’t think straight. Finally she found a big oak tree and collapsed underneath the shade.

When Zoe woke up she felt dazed. A searing pain was shooting up her leg. She looked down and saw her legs twisted in the wrong direction and bound with a rope.
   A cackling laugher filled the air.  “This young one will be a great appetizer Bobby, where did you find her?”
  “Beneath the tree,” Said the thing called Bobby. “She looks like a daughter of Minerva…gray eyes and blonde hair. Don’t you think so Ted,” Bobby said.
   “You are right…look I think she is up.” Ted said.
I have to leave quickly! I have to hurry! The monsters walked slowly towards her.  She remembered she had a nail file in her pocket. She stretched her hand down into her pocket and quickly grasped it and started trying to cut the rope with it. It slowly was breaking. The monsters were very close now, Zoe filed faster and faster until the ropes broke. As she crawled, she winced in pain because every small movement she made came along with rushing pain up and down her legs.
   “Bobby, get her, she is escaping!”
  “ I can’t Ted, she is moving to quickly.”
  Zoe reached for the nearest rock and threw it straight into the monsters. The monsters turned into golden dust and vanished. That’s strange Zoe thought.  When she finally got out of the cave, she grabbed the nearest branch and made a splint for herself. She got back up and started walking on the leaf path again. Finally she reached what looked like a golden stairway.
“Hello, please state your business,” A mans voice said.
“Umm…someone told me to come here,” Zoe trembled.
“Ahh, you must be her daughter!”
“Can you please tell me what’s going on? The monsters in the cave called me Minerva’s daughter, I am so confused…my mother left when I was a baby.”
“You will soon find out,” The man said and with that she started walking up the stairs.  She reached the top of the stairway and then heard the same women’s voice as before.
“Daughter, you have done well, you have pleased me. Go into the gate and go into the throne room, we will tell you your quest.”
“What, I don’t understand!”
“You must first go into the room before I say any more.” With that Zoe kept walking. She reached the throne room and then pushed open the door. 12 people sat in thrones.
“Who are you?” Zoe asked.
“We are the Gods and Goddess,” The God in the center said.
“I am your mother, Minerva,”  the women said. This must have been the person who told her to come here.
The God, Jupiter, said, “It is your job to go to the island of Pizzalious, and destroy the monster who has been poisoning the pizza.” He snapped his fingers and Zoe appeared on the island of Pizzalious.
  Ok, so I have to find and destroy this monster Zoe thought.  She heard a large roar. Well maybe it found me. Zoe found a rock next to her and picked it up. It looked pretty sharp. All Zoe had to do was take the rock and stab it into the monsters stomach.  Zoe ran forward. This was now or never. She charged at the monster, but it grabbed her. She started hitting his fingers with the rock.
“Roarrr!!!” The monster screamed and he dropped her.  Zoe charged again and this time she was lucky. The monster burst into the same golden sand as the other monsters. Zoe collapsed of tiredness.
  Zoe woke up in the throne room. “What am I doing here?”
“You my child, have just done the world great justice, you have made pizza amazing again! And with that you will be granted one wish!” Minerva said.
“I want to be with people like me,” Zoe said
“Very well,” Jupiter said and snapped his fingers.
Zoe landed in the middle of a Roman town. Kids were in battle armor training to fight. This was the place she belonged she thought. A great amount of people rushed towards her.
People were saying, “She must be the ones the Gods sent,” and “Wow.” Zoe felt was in her dream world. She was happy and felt wanted, there was no going back

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