The Fire | Teen Ink

The Fire

March 29, 2015
By Ryan Flanigan BRONZE, Lees Summit, Missouri
Ryan Flanigan BRONZE, Lees Summit, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It seemed as if Mrs. Jones had been babbling on about nothing for years. Math had never been something I had specifically been interested in and with a subject like algebra, I just couldn’t seem to get my brain to focus.I stared mindlessly at the clock as it ticked on and on with every passing second. The temperature was sweltering like I was laying on the beach in Cancun. The more she droned the heavier my eyelids became. My eyelids felt like they weighed a ton each. I struggled mightily just to keep my eyes open. With every sentence that was said in that classroom it became increasingly difficult to stay awake. I was comprehending less and less with each passing minute when finally I could bear the weight of my heavy eyelids no more. For just a split second, they were closed. However, that split second was long enough for my teacher to state, “Miss Flanigan, are we interrupting your sleep?”. Startled and confused, I immediately bolted up, my face as red as an apple. “No ma’am.” I uttered, just loud enough for her to hear. It startled me awake, and for the next moment I was completely engaged. She described in great detail exactly how to find the x and y values and plot them accurately on graph paper. Each time she said x my eyes became heavier and each time she said y I was one step closer to dozing off once again. The last word I recall hearing her say before her flat open hand slapped the top of my desk was exponential. Once again, I was startled and looked up like a deer in the headlights. However, there was absolutely no confusion this time. I had been busted sleeping in class. “Miss Flanigan, due to the fact that you are unable to focus in classroom I am going to have to ask you to leave. Go to the Principal’s office immediately.” I took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from my brow, quickly apologized, and walked out the door. It was so stuffy in the hallway as I continued to walk to Principal Brown’s office I was sweating by the time I got there. Maybe it was just my imagination, but I could swear that it was becoming hotter and hotter in the building. I walked into the office and confessed that I had fallen asleep in Math class, and was dismissed and told to sit in the back with all of the other students who have already gotten themselves in trouble this hour. I think about what I about what happened in math as I stride to the back of the room. The air conditioner was buzzing, It obviously was not working and it couldn’t have been working because it was continuously getting hotter and hotter. And I swear I now smell smoke. The office monitor leaves the room to investigate and locks the door behind him. The burning smell increases. Then I hear the blaring alarm and panic. The beeping and hissing noise causing me to
Bolt upright, for the third time today. Only to find myself having fallen asleep in math class once again. The burning smell was burnt popcorn in the teacher’s lounge and the fire alarm I dreamt I heard was actually the bell letting me know that math class was over.

The author's comments:

This is not a true story.

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