End of the World | Teen Ink

End of the World

March 13, 2015
By Anonymous

After I woke up from my coma, I realized that there iare no nurses or doctors around. Nobody is in my room with me, No friends or family, I am alone. I reach down to pull out my ives, but I realize that they are already out of my arms. My oxgyen tubes are all out of my body and my holes are all gone or sewed together. 

I get up and put on my favorite house slippers, they look like pigs and are nice and warm and big too. They are my favorite animal too. I also put on my coat, which is pink, and walk out of my room to find about ten bodies just laying there on the floor. I go to wake them up, but they don't move. They are dead. I run, or try to run, in my house slippers, down the hallway of the hospice area.

As I keep running/jogging, I keep finding more and more dead bodies. They look like dead flies just laying there with their eyes open, looking like they are staring into my soul. I keep jogging into every room and keep seeing the same thing, more dead bodies, lookig straight into my soul.

My heart keeps pounding faster and faster and louder and louder as I keep seeing more and more dead people. I want to believe there is someone else alive but I can't find anybody alive. I feel so scared so I run back to my room.

When I walk into my room, I find a new outfit and shoes to go with it. I change into that outfit and grab all my stuff and put it into a bag. When I look up I see something written on the whiteboard. It says, "Save yourself! Everybody is just droppig dead everywhere! Doctor's don't ---"

I have to get out of here! I thought to myself. I run outside and I find hundreds of more bodies.I try to walk around them, but there is not even an inch between two bodies. I don't care any more! I thought to my self, as I ran across the bodies, hearing bones breaking under my feet.

I get into a car andI take off going anywhere but here far away from Iowa. As I am driving along the highway, I keep finding more dead people on the sides of the road. Instead of finding nice green hills, I find hills upon hills of dead bodies with termites eating away their flesh.

As I keep driving I keep thinking and start to believe that I am the last living human on Earth. Am I destined to save mankind or end it for good?

The author's comments:

School assignment

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