The Blast Heard Around the World | Teen Ink

The Blast Heard Around the World

February 26, 2015
By DarkFlameX1 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
DarkFlameX1 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A shadow falls over the green pasture. The farmer look up and sees a dark mist moving swiftly across the ground. He stares at it for one second and turns and runs in plain fear. As he runs he screams “HE IS BACK! HE IS BACK!”
Heart Pounding, Jimmy jumps out of bed. That was the 3rd nightmare in the last 3 days. As he goes outside to get some water, he notices the moon is not in the sky. He can’t even see the well till he crashes into it. Lying on the ground Jimmy notices that he can’t even see his own hand till it is literally 2 inches away from his eyes. Then he notices that he is surrounded by a dark black mist.
BOOM! The door crashes open. There he is sitting on the high throne with the crown on his head, Servant Vladimir. Next to Vladimir on a simple wooden chair, sits the King. King Edison III wants everyone to be treated fairly. He is trying to implement a system of government that is exactly like the one America States of United use. Each day a servant gets to sit on the high throne. Now back to the story… BOOM! The door crashes open. As the teenager with ragged clothes runs in, the King notices a Black Mist on the horizon. Edison shouts, “Shut The Doors! Bring Will and John from their rooms! NOW!”
As Servants rush to get Will and John, Edison urges the ragged teenager to speak, who of course was kneeling on the floor. Jimmy starts telling Edison about the mist. As Edison listens, Will and John are finishing their spell. They grab the dark armor on the table side and throw it on. They rush past the servants who are looking for them and enter the throne room. They break down the main doors and start chanting in lesser tongue. 
“As Diensknegte Rush en John te kry, Edison dring die verskeurde tiener te praat , wat natuurlik is kniel op die vloer. Jimmy begin vertel Edison oor die mis . As Edison luister , Will en John is die afwerking hul spel . Hulle gryp die donker wapens op die tafel kant en gooi dit op . Hulle jaag verby die dienaars wat op soek is vir hulle en gee die troon kamer. Hulle breek die hoof deure en mindere tong!”
A green mist starts forming around Will and John which slowly starts growing. Jimmy screams “STOP!” but its no good. Jimmy is the only one who sees the true color of the mist. Actually they are cloaking the new black mist with green mist. Jimmy tackles the palace guard, grabs a sword and throws it at Will. The sword hits Will on its flat blade and Will crumples to the ground. The Green Mist vanishes and the throne room gasps. John starts running toward the main doors pathway but gets hit by a sword thrown by Jimmy. As he falls to the ground, he hopes that no one will learn his secret.
The black mist dissolves into the air and the throne room starts Cheering. Edison however notices a necklace John and Will are wearing and tries to remember where he saw it before.
BAM! The necklace blows up the dark armor which is highly explosive.
No one Lived the Explosion.

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