Darcy | Teen Ink


January 9, 2015
By Angely.lonh BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
Angely.lonh BRONZE, Gainesville, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It's hard to map out a plan when you're filled with terror and panic, running for your life. It requires skill at an elevated level, a level that only the dexterous would have. All of these characteristics described her perfectly. Darcy was bred and built to be a perfectly engineered super human. You'd never know she was there, never leaving a single trace. It was as if Darcy didn't even exist.

  It was almost midnight and she was determined to outrun them. They had been chasing her for almost two hours now, and she was starting to wear them out. Darcy knew what she had to do in order to escape. Up ahead there was an old shack.It was broken down and cluttered, one touch and it would splinter to pieces. She sped up and jumped behind the    foul-smelling shack. With one swift movement, Darcy threw an efficacious kick. The shack came crashing down onto the men, and she heard their loud whimpers as they slowly faded away. She accomplished her goal, yet the journey wasn't over and Darcy was well aware of that.

  There was never a time where someone wasn't after her. A precious gift like hers couldn't be overlooked, if the Dwilads got their hands on her she'd be doomed. Darcy looked back to make sure she wasn't being followed, even though she was nearly perfect, paranoia still overwhelmed her. Instantaneously,she looked up and allowed her eyes to adjust. Darkness gradually crept over the sky, along with a canopy  of grey clouds. The Dwilads were the only ones who were even close to capturing her. They were egregious beasts, with long putrid fangs covered in a thick layer of acid, strong enough to take down three humans with one drop. All of them controlled by Dr.Cole, a man with nothing but a cold heart.

    Darcy had only been twelve years old when she broke out of the facility which was guarded heavily with thirteen vault doors and twenty guards per vault. Once Dr. Cole found out she had successfully escaped he became demented. Immediately, he began working on a new species to track her down, which were the Dwilads. Dr. Cole dedicated his life to getting Darcy back because she was the most successful experiment, yet couldn't be recreated. He was able to obtain a rare serum from Guatemala, producing the genetically modified characteristics needed to create her. With all of his life's work gone,he was determined to find her at all costs.
    With all of the memories of the facility flooding her mind, Darcy held a tenacious grip on the gun strapped to her back. After all she couldn't just give herself up since she had someone else she dearly loved in need of protection. She leapt along the roof tops, behind houses, and in between corroded buildings in order to reach her hideout. As soon as she saw the hidden cave safe and untouched she let out a long sigh of relief. Lurking in the shadows, she made her way inside to a cozy home filled with little trinkets, blankets,food, and furniture. Behind a large picture frame was a secret passageway lit by fireflies. An aroma of stale milk and crackers permeated the tiny room. In a wooden crib layered with pink quilted blankets there stood Rosy, with her golden brown hair and bright green eyes . Tears of joy poured out of Darcy's eyes, as she picked up the baby girl and embraced Rosy, who squealed with laughter. Darcy hated leaving Rosy but she needed to get more supplies to sustain her, and Darcy would do anything to keep her safe and alive.

  It was only three months ago when she found five month old Rosy in an alley wailing in a cardboard box. From then on she wasn't focused on anything but Rosy wondering who would do such a thing to a poor child. Fear that the Dwilads would harm her precious baby, Darcy did everything possible to keep her hidden. Darcy's thoughts were suddenly interrupted with wet coughs coming from Rosy. Rosy let out a small whimper as she huddled closer to Darcy. As Rosy lay on her chest Darcy felt the hot temperature of a raging fever. Panic took over and Darcy quickly put the frail child in bed. In quick movements she gathered some supplies and set out to find medication. Wide eyed and restless Darcy wasn't aware there were Dwilads nearby seeking her out. She headed towards the old children's hospital a few miles away not taking any time to look behind her. The Dwilads spotted her and followed her footsteps,making sure not to be seen. Darcy arrived at the sealed entrance, vigorously breaking open a window, she climbed inside. The Dwilads hot on her trail, immediately summoned Dr. Cole on a pager.

   Focused on the thought of Rosy dying,she searched the cabinets for medicine. Dr. Cole arrived and was heavily equipped with weaponry to capture Darcy without harming her. Darcy stopped and was suddenly alert she heard the faint noise of a car door closing. She knew it must be the Dwilads and possibly Dr.Cole after her. Nervously, she threw all the medicine she could find into her pack and slipped through the back. She was too late. Dr. Cole was one step ahead. Pulling the trigger, Dr.Cole aimed it at Darcy sending her crashing down. Thank goodness it wasn't a gun but it was a trap made to stabilize Darcy's advanced capabilities. This made it impossible for her to escape. The Dwilads carried her into the truck as she struggled to break free.

"No! You don't understand let me go! I need to go! She.. she needs me!" Screamed Darcy. Salty, hot tears streamed her face making her vision blurry.

"Who? Who are you talking about?" Dr. Cole questioned Darcy in shock.

Darcy soon realized she made a big mistake and quickly stopped talking. Dr. Cole shut the doors and ordered the Dwilads to find whoever Darcy was referring to. Dr. Cole got in the front seat with a sly smile on his face.
She turned around looking at Darcy anxiously laying there.

After a brief moment Dr. Cole spoke as if he had rehearsed it multiple times before.

"It's been ten years and I finally got you, there is no escaping this time."

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