Runaway | Teen Ink


November 19, 2014
By _thats_racist_ BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
_thats_racist_ BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I hear the car pull up in our driveway. My father and brother open the gun safe and prepare, my mother ushers me into the tunnel that runs under our lonely home in the Appalachian Mountains. “Keep it safe Andrew,” she says. Her eyes, tender and sad, she knows they will not survive to see me again. A sacrifice to stop decades of oppression. I run, in about five minutes I will be in the forest, my race starts now. I hear gunshots, a scream, and it’s over, I have no family. “Think of what you fight for,” I say, but that doesn’t stop the tears from flowing.

“Sir, we are searching the house but I believe we lost him,” C.I.A. director, Marcus Pierce, says into his cellphone. “Find him Pierce or you will be the one we kill!” President Cragnotti yells as he slams the phone down. Pierce smiles, he knows where Andrew is. “Andrew doesn’t know it, but there is one person who doesn’t want to kill you,” He thinks.

In a cave. It’s dark and cold, but nowhere else to go. I open his bag, and takes out the stolen laptop. I power it up and find the file. They look like a sequence of zeros and ones, but looks are deceiving. The problem is, he needs to find a way into any facility connect to the governments servers. Footsteps sound outside, it’s too late. My mind scrambles for any possible way to escape. “Don’t worry, I’m here to help,” Director Pierce says.

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