The trials | Teen Ink

The trials

November 13, 2014
By Jonathan13 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
Jonathan13 BRONZE, Lewisville, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He wakes up; he doesn’t know where he’s at. All he sees is the darkness. He walks back until he hits a cold metal wall. He slowly goes down on the metal floor; he brings his knees up to his face, closing and thinks to himself, “why am I here?” “What did I do wrong?” “Where are my mom and dad?” “did my parents die?” “Did they leave me here?” he kept asking question like someone was there. Then he heard something, like a door opening, and then he hears voices lots of them, like there’s is a party going he keeps quite, then a strike of light comes and blinds him for a couple a of seconds.
Then he sees faces surrounding him, there all guys about with ripped up cloths and grimy up faces, all the guys were at the age between the ages of 13 though 17.
“Welcome to the gazer, what’s your name?”
One of the guys says. He looks at him “Mason” he tells him. No sound was made for awhile. 
“Liam” to break the silence
“Here in gazer we have nicknames yours well be “noob” because you just got her”
Someone in the group yelled “can we called him “caca”!
“Shut it” Liam yelled back”
“Here come with me ill show your around the gazer, your life as a gazer well started here”

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