Spy Time | Teen Ink

Spy Time

November 1, 2014
By ChinGow BRONZE, Cupertino, California
ChinGow BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I had just won my first Math Olympics in school, today was the best day ever. I even got a huge trophy, I was so excited to show this to my mom. When I came to the front door, there was a letter, that said,


“ Jack, I have gone out shopping, I have left some food for you in the refrigerator.

        Ok so that was fine, so I just put my trophy down, next to the T.V., and went to the refrigerator, when I opened it, there was fried rice. Yuck, I hate fried rice, the vegetables and the rice are not even good. Since, I didn’t want fried rice I could just make some popcorn and drink some soda. When I made the popcorn and got the soda, I had forgotten something, watching a movie . It was time to party and enjoyyy! So when I went to my room, there was a tall man in a suit, he had black hair, black eyes,and he had pale skin. When I saw the man I was about to call my mom and run out of the house. But instead, “ Who the heck are you?”, I said in a manly voice. The man stood up and said, “I am David Trambo, also known as SHADOW. I work for the junior R&R (Rock & Roll) secret agency and we want you to work the agency too.” For a second I thought why would they want me. So I asked, “ Why do you want me?”. “Because of your excellent math skills, so let me ask you some questions. What is 5648 x 524?”, said Shadow. Quickly Jack said, “2,959,552”. “ Correct, If you want to join then, you can sign the contract, if you don’t want to join then just say no.”, said Shadow.


I was thinking about my parents and was thinking what will they say, so it was my choice to choose Yes or No, I thought about for a while, then I put my hand out and said, “ Give me the contract”. He gave the contract and I signed it, when I looked up there was something in his hand. When I asked what it was he said, “ It is your I.D. to enter the agency, it has your name on it, a picture of you, and your agency name: SPIDER.” “Cool”, I jumped up and said. He stood up  and said, “Tomorrow is your first day, ok.”  I said, “Ok”. Right after he left I wondered should I tell my parents or not, I just decided to wait until tomorrow, to find out what is going to happen.


  It was Saturday, the day after Shadow came into my house. I was excited to go to the R&R agency, but what was I supposed tell my parents. Oh yah, I remember my I.D. card had his phone number at the back of it. I looked at the back of the I.D. and it said Shadow: 1234567890. Hmm, pretty weird phone number, but it is really easy to remember. So I called him and he picked it up and said. “ Spider, I will come in 5 min.” “Ok, But what should I tell my parents?”, I said. He said,“ Tell them that you are going to school to study, and then later on, we will send them a letter that you joined a school in Los Angeles and it is the best school in America.” “Ok”, I said.

 10 minutes later, he texted me saying, “I am at Crusty Park, come near there.” Oh that’s 2 blocks away, that is really close. I got my backpack and my I.D and was set to go. When I went downstairs, my mom was watching T.V., so I said, “ Mom, I am going to school for a club, I might come late.” “ Okay” , my mom said. So when I went out, I started walking down and in a few seconds I could Shadow in a suit again. When I saw him, I ran down fast as I can and his car it was just awesome, it was probably one of the best cars I have heard of or seen of in my life. I wish I could have had that car. “Get in, we have to go fast, the principal is waiting for you,”  said Shadow.

       Finally, we’re here. It took us at least one hour to come here. Woah, this place looks awesome, “R&R secret junior agency” , I whispered. It was so big, it was blue and rusty. They had security guards everywhere, walking with a humongous guns and they wore thick black shirts and pants. So Shadow and I walk in the agency, right when I walked in there were two people, one had a really fat belly and really fat thighs and one was really skinny and looked like he had a 8 - pack . They were soldiers, when I saw them I thought they won’t do anything but when the skinny person roared, “ATTACK” I ran for my life and screamed,


 “Ahhhhhhhhhh”.Where the heck is Shadow? How did he disappear in one second? I don’t care now, I’m running for my life, I don’t know what I’m doing, but I know I’m going to get killed, since I have a 11:32 minute mile. I see some stairs, go for it, yuck, is that rat poo. Right when I run on a couple a few stairs, I fell right on the stinkiest rat poo, uhhh, wait this actually doesn’t smell so bad. I hear some stomping footsteps, oh no its the big soldiers. I start running up the stairs again, once I get up I see a door that says, “DO NOT ENTER”. Once I saw that, I knew that I had to go in that door to hide. So I opened the door and locked it, I also put a table that was filled with a bunch computers,wires, and keys. There was also huge ladder that was there, there was only one way out, go down the ladder.

When I came down I saw a portal, I wondered what it was for. I was about to find another way to get out of this place, but I saw a sign, that said, “TYPE IN YOUR ADDRESS IN THE COMPUTER AND GO HOME.”  I just wanted to go home and didn’t want to come back, so I typed my address and something happened the portal got bigger and then it spoke, it said, “ Get in.” I looked back and jumped in the portal and it closed, it was huge bumpy ride. Its been three minutes and I still haven’t have come home, this is stupid, It was a trap. Wait, I see a light, is that my house, it is my house. Yes, finally, the portal is about to end, here I come, 3..2..1, bam I’m in my room.


Finally, safe and so quiet. BAM, what was that? I looked through the window and checked what it was, and I saw the same two soldiers from R&R agency. I’m DEAD!

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