Days Later and No Sign of the Planes | Teen Ink

Days Later and No Sign of the Planes

November 1, 2014
By GuyLavi BRONZE, Cupertino, California
GuyLavi BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Tim would have fallen asleep on the couch, but all of a sudden on the news Meghan Keneally said “breaking news”. He heard Meghan Keneally say the words “breaking news” and paid all of his attention to the news. She said that a plane went missing. Tim said “ahh” that doesn't matter they will find it.  He ended up falling asleep on the couch.Living in Phoenix, where it’s really hot and when it’s 80 at night he won’t need a blanket and would be totally fine sleeping on the couch. He was like almost dead last night that he woke up at 10 am.He woke up and the news was still going and another plane went missing. “ I will find those missing planes”

     He decided to first start by finding out where they they took off from and where they were supposed to land.  One flight was from San Francisco to Hawaii and the other was from Toronto to Las Vegas. Both flights were Johnny airlines. He wanted to find out where the planes didn’t communicate anymore with the airport and also where there last radar point was. Tim found out that they both lost connection with the airport at different places but their last radar pin is at the same spot. He thought that this was a very interesting scenario and he mapped the coordinates of where there last radar point was.

     He was thinking to himself how will I get there. He decided to get help from his co-pilot Jimmy. After Tim and Jim got together, Tim was thinking to himself Wow he got fat. Tim told him about his plan and Jim said that he would help him. Tim nor Jim owned a plane, but Tim was very clever and said that they will steal a plane. A few days later the went to the airport and thought of hopping the fence to get to the runway. Jim was too chubby that they were going to sneak in by coming with a truck and just ramming into the fence and making a run for a plane. You probably are thinking. What they are going to steal a plane to find other planes. Yes they are, Jim is just unbelievably crazy. 

     They returned to the airport the next day with a truck. Jim said
“Are you ready” Tim said
“Yes, lets do this”.
Tim started counting down “3,2,1” and they just rammed right into the fence and got through and on to the runway.  They saw one plane in sight and they made a run for it. Jim tripped when they were running and Tim said
“Come on,get up” Jim said
“ I can’t I’m hurt” Tim replied.
“ It doesn’t matter get up NOW!

Jim eventually got up and continued to run for the plane. Tim got inside the plane, but Jim was stuck in the door. Tim got out of the plane and pushed Jim in. They started the plane and entered the auto pilot coordinates. After that they took off.

     “I can’t believe we got this far” Tim told Jim. Jim answered by saying “I can’t believe it either, but did you bring food, I’m hungry”.It was a long flight. Jim found in the back the meals that they serve for the flights and ate one. They were like 10 minutes away from there last radar pin. They were both excited to solve the disappearance of the 2 missing planes. When they got to the last radar pin, they were looking around and saw nothing. All of a sudden there was a big boom and the plane started to fall. They knew they were over the ocean so they put their life vests on. They were scared like hell, but they didn't hit the water they hit a tree that just collapsed. They just realized they were on a never before discovered island. They felt so happy and excited to find what they had found.Then they spotted the other 2 planes.

     They could not believe it that they found the other 2 planes. They decided to look around the island to try to find the passengers of the planes that went missing. Tim told Jim “ I think that we will find all of the passengers alive.”

“I don’t believe so I think we will find all the passengers dead.”Tim all of a sudden didn’t remember anything at all other than his name. He felt like the island gave him amnesia and he thought that it was only a dream. Tim started to yell in panic.
“ Where the heck am I” Jim answers to Tim.

“ To tell you the the truth I have no clue where we are”.  Jim felt that he was going to die and this will be the last day of his life. Out of no where Tim sees a lot of people he decides to approach them and ask them where he was. Tim was so happy that he saw other people ,but he kept his mouth shut and didn’t tell him anything.
     They all answered to him we have no clue where we are and we all only remember our names.  Tim and Jim both decided that they will stick together and stay the night.  The next day they both remembered what they were doing and why they were on this island.  Tim and Jim had a plan that Tim would fly back and tell the world that they found the planes and  that there is also a never before discovered island. Once Tim got back to the island the scientist and the airport decided to reward them for both finding the missing planes and finding a never before discovered island. They decided to reward them by letting them keep the island. They let it become a tourist attraction and it became the biggest attraction in the world. They also both got planes to keep for themselves. Jim decided that his family would visit the island every weekend. They won the nobel peace prize in 2016 and became the richest people on the planet. 20 years have past and the world is still talking about how Jim and Tim saved the planes and found the never before discovered island. Jim and Tim have also been telling everyone “It was me who found the missing planes and island”. They even tell their grandkids every time the see them about they’re amazing adventure to find the missing planes and how they discovered the island.

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Mr.Gr said...
on Nov. 18 2014 at 10:46 pm
Mr.Gr, Cupertino, California
0 articles 0 photos 78 comments
Details make this believable.