The Banana's Potential | Teen Ink

The Banana's Potential

October 23, 2014
By Yovanis Garcia BRONZE, Syracuse, New York
Yovanis Garcia BRONZE, Syracuse, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time there was a banana that loved to dance the banana’s name is Billy the banana and he loved dancing. He was so good at dancing so he decided to enter a competition and there were a bunch of really yellow banana’s that could dance better then him so he cried. But that didn’t make him give up he got out of his crying corner and danced and twerked and blow away his competition and twerked his little heart out. So one day a big dancing manager came out to see him and he told him “I have never seen anything like that ever what do you call it?” Billy said “I call it twerking!” And the dancing manager said “Come with me billy and ill make you famous!” Billy said “Okay but what is your name mister?” He said “My name is “420BLAZEIT!” his name was so good and so different he said yes to him but they never talked about money because Billy is stupid. So Billy goes with 420BLAZEIT to california and start a dance cub like in “Just Dance” but no one even likes that movie so its a bad dance club. So when they gather enough money they go for a actual crew to dance with. But they didn’t need money cause they are stupid all they needed to do is just be there! So they are there and he twerks and no one knows what he is doing they call an ambulance and make sure he is ok but he was just fine he was dancing his little heart out. After he got checked he went back there and they said that he was invited! Billy was so happy that he twerked and broke the floor so he had to pay for it good for him he thought he had to pay for dance crews! So they practice and practice for 2 hours a day and soon the regional competition so he works really hard and perfects his booty shake and masters it! On regionals he is really anxious and tries to keep it in to try to be cool he watches the people that go up before him and pretty soon its his crews turn and he starts to cry but his crew calls a timeout before they even come out. His crew calms him down and tells Billy that they love him and that they need him. Billy gets up and says “I’M READY!” They go up to the stage and then his crew dances and he pops out of the back and twerks and twerks and twerks the crowd loves it and he is loving it to so he continues as his crew dances behind him and everyone is clapping and cheering. They stop after a minute and a half and then they wait for the judge to see what they say. The judge’s say “That sure was a performance what do you call that move you did?” Billy said “I call it twerking!” They tell him “We will keep you in our minds when we decide who wins.” They wait till they have to decide and watch other people dance. So now its deciding time and Billy is scared the judge said “And in third place we have swaggalicious dancers!” Everyone cheers and then he said “And in second place we have Shake dem hips!” and everyone cheers. Then he said “and the winner of this years competition is Turn Up!” Everyone boo’s. Then he said “I’m just kidding it is the… THE STONED TWERKERS! And everyone cheers and shouts out THE STONED TWERKERS! they go up to the stage and get their award and the cash money from it. They go to a local bar and meet one of the other competitors and make fun of them luckily for them they were in the good side of town and but the people there weren’t good so they pulled out a gun and tried to kill Billy. But a bouncer comes out of nowhere and saves Billy from a horrible death and is happy to be alive. Billy goes home and said to himself. “What Do I do now?”

The author's comments:

It is about a banana that invents twerking.

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