A New Memory | Teen Ink

A New Memory

July 10, 2014
By Jacboyd7 BRONZE, Sonoma, California
Jacboyd7 BRONZE, Sonoma, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

The memories raced through his mind and body as he recalled and felt the emotions of people he will never meet. Marco, a fourteen year old boy living in the streets of Chicago, had just stumbled upon a memory doc. Unlike normal, plain one sheeted documents, memory docs are made up of all different types of literature; from books to newspapers, even brochures. It isn’t as much the words on the paper, that portray the events described, but the feelings you receive when you touched them. Each piece holding memories of others from far off times, allowing the reader to experience things he will never witness.

Marco was fascinated by his discovery, allowing his mind to take it all in. “What is this?” he wondered silently to himself.

Not only was it something new in Marco’s depressing and miserable life but, he had felt a connection. A sense that he had never felt before, a feeling that he belonged to something bigger. The hidden icon in the bottom, right-hand corner caught his eye as he cradled the piece in the dark alley that he called home. All it read was Theo W.

Theo Williams was the famous yet mysterious author who was known throughout the world for his marvelous work with unique types of writings. Marco knew him very well as he would always try to get a sneak peek at Theo’s electrifying work through the window that bordered the alley. Theo’s workshop was small and meant to blend in with the broken down, filthy surroundings. Mr. Williams was content with his miniature workshop for he knew his purpose was much larger.

Marco peered into the window trying to observe the strange documents that truly fascinated him. “If there is one thing I want to do with my life,” he thought inside, “it will be to understand these treasures.” Interrupting his thoughts was the crunching of boots as out of nowhere Theo Williams appeared.

“Ah Marco, now what are you doing here?” Theo said.

“Uh, nothing sir, I was just interested.” he stuttered. “How does he now my name?” Marco thought silently to himself.

“Yes, I can tell you take interest in my work, excellent.” Theo said absent mindedly. Theo had been observing Marco whenever he could and had concluded that he would be a wonderful apprentice. “Please follow me.” He then turned and briskly entered his dark, damp palace. “Yes, he will be perfect, true curiosity and determination.” Theo though as he waited for his new student.

Befuddled and confused, Marco debated whether to follow the mysterious yet fascinating man. With Marco curiosity always won so he entered the unknown and tried to ready himself for the many surprises that awaited.

The author's comments:
This piece is meant to encourage people to use their creativity and curiosity. Never restrain from exploring. Hope you enjoy!!


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