200 words | Teen Ink

200 words

May 30, 2014
By garrett agee GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
garrett agee GOLD, Wentzville, Missouri
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Killing is obviously looked down upon no matter the circumstances, especially when talking about taking the lives of people like us. However, there is a way of carrying out a different, but effective type of justice for those who deserve it. A man who only kills for the well of society. A man who kills for the innocent citizens within it. A man who blends in during the day as a detective, at night is left to do his super hero duty; kill those who are guilty and wanted. This is a very high risk responsibility remaining undercover as a detective and what others may call a “serial killer”. This man must do his killings both strategically and under the radar to keep out of suspicion. In doing so, it’s crucial that this so called “hero” has an alibi for each encounter, a way of disposing evidence, and any remains. A procedure perhaps to ensure that justice will carry out without the chance of the accused getting away with it. That man remains out there. Remember to stay on his good side or you could may turn into his next victim.

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