The Unwanted Initiation | Teen Ink

The Unwanted Initiation

May 20, 2014
By Hoang77 BRONZE, Pflugerville, Texas
Hoang77 BRONZE, Pflugerville, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Unwanted Initiation

There I was, just standing there, when what I wanted to do was forbidden. It’s not really the matter that I wanted to do it, but more of a have to. Why? Because I wanted to live. I had my submachine gun loaded and ready, my knife, just in case something leads to close combat. The Berzerkers had provided me with all of these things, the only problem was, I wasn’t one of them, I was just working undercover. My hands shook as I opened the door to the bank, a million thoughts rushing through my mind, palms sweaty.
With such knowledge, robbing the bank was a piece of cake, in and out without hassle. Nobody had the chance to identify me, nobody had the chance to alert the police, I walked out with $650,000. Guilt ate away at my insides, evil wasn’t my line of work, more like just the opposite. I, Briana Nikita, just went against everything I believe in, for one stupid mission. Next, the money must be delivered to Brandon “Limbs” Figuero, the leader of the gang I must infiltrate as part of my initiation. Driving away in a hurry, I almost crashed several times because I was lost, in my own mind.

Money in hand, I enter the gang hideout, there was no reason for them not

to let me in, I had proven myself. I hoped to meet Limbs so I can get what I came

for, information. Heavily armed guards blocking my way as usual, Limbs comes out

to allow me to approach him “Ahh…. Briana! Very good, very good! I did not expect

you to actually succeed,” he announces surprisedly as he stares at what is in my hand. Limbs is proud of me, allows me to join his gang, The Berzerkers. He instantly accepts me as one of his own and is sorry for ever underestimating me for being a girl, he fills me on their next plan to rob and burn down a big supermarket nearby.
Now that I have all my detail, I’m ready to drop out of the gang and go back to my actual secret group where we enforce the law,The FRV. But we all know that getting out of a gang can be one of the most challenging things to do, I am very well aware that my life is at risk. Asking to drop out would be suspicious and fail, I know that I must assassinate the gang leader, Limbs. It won’t be easy, he didn’t make his gang the best in the state by being stupid, very intellectual, yet so evil. My plan is to get even closer, with false affection, we’ll have dinner together and I will discretely poison the food, and my problems will be over.
Slowly but steadily our relationship grew , he was now interested in me. Step one is officially a success. After 2 weeks of begging, I finally convinced him to take me out to dinner, I frowned upon my behavior. We made reservations at Miae de Lon, a fancy brazilian restaurant in which Limbs will have the last meal of his life. It was the first time I’ve ever worn a fancy dress before, I hated it.
“Hey beautiful,” he whispered as he greets me, smile on his face, he actually likes me, I almost feel bad for planning to kill him, but business is business. He excused himself to go to the washroom, I wasted no time, pulling out the cyanide and injecting it into his food, adrenaline rushing through my veins, by now I’m praying that he won’t notice it. 30 seconds later he comes back from the washroom and sits down, we share conversations and it is now time to eat, he picks up his fork and scoops his food. He looks at it for a second, “does this ravioli look weird to you?” he murmured curiously, I couldn’t speak, my heart skipped a beat, had he noticed I poisoned his food? “Oh well,” he chuckles as he carefully inserts the food into his mouth, chewing, chewing, chewing… the food swallowed, step 3, success.
We finished the meal on a good note, he wasn’t suspicious at all! The cyanide ought to kick in within a few minutes, I had to get out fast, nobody had any proof. He offered me a ride home, I couldn’t refuse or else he’d get suspicious. This was not going to be good, I thought to myself, but nonetheless we enter the car and he starts driving.
“ACKKKK!!!” he shrieks as he vigorously grabs his neck, trying desperately to get oxygen flow, but to no avail.
This isn’t good, I didn’t expect the poison to take effect this quick, at this rate he could crash and we’d both die!
“You--! Ugh--! Ack--!” he exclaims as he turns a violet color. Limbs attempted to fight me, letting go of the steering wheel, we almost crash several times as he throws blows at me furiously.
“I’m sorry Limbs, you have to go.” It was time to end it, my knife ended his life with a swift jab, tears slowly slid down my face as I jumped out of the car moments before it crashed into a fire hydrant. The mission was officially a success, I called the FRV to report that Limbs has been killed, and that I would dispose of the evidence within the next 30-50 minutes.

After dumping Limb’s body in a river and removing all fingerprints from the car, I cried, thinking about all the people that I’ve killed, I’m a monster. Deciding that it was time to retire, I resigned from the FRV. My duties did not go unnoticed, the FRV notified me that my name would forever be engraved in their hall of fame, “Just a token of gratitude!” they cheered as I walked away, reminiscing.

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