Alone | Teen Ink


April 14, 2014
By kyralover BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
kyralover BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Mr. Pan! Mr. Pan!” I yelled running to catch up with him. Running at full speed I ran right into a guy carrying amour. “Sorry” I mutter then start running again. “Mr. Pan” I yell one more time. He hears me and turns around with a smile “Aww Joe what did I tell you about calling me that please just call me Peter.” I finish running up to him. He laughs at how out of breath I am for only running a short while. It takes me a few seconds before I can form a complete sentence. “Sorry Mr. Pa... I mean Peter I just need to ask you a quick question about Operation Green Walrus.”
“Okay what would you like to know?” Peter asks.
“When are we leaving to start the operation?” I ask. “You guys will leave tomorrow exactly at dawn. I suggest you go back to the base and get some rest.” Peter answers. “Okay thank you, bye Peter” I turn around walking away back to the base to get some rest.

When I back to the base and into my room the first thing I did was shower. I got out of the shower and grabbed the towel hanging one the hook by the shower. I dried my hair then wrapped the towel around my waist. I look into the mirror I saw my short, clean cut blonde hair, and my baby blue eyes. I could see my muscles; I was buff with strong arms and great abs. As I looked into my eyes through the mirror all I could see in them was fear. Fear for what is going to happen tomorrow. I was supposed to be the strong, fearless general for the NLO: The Neverland Organization, Peter Pan’s secret organization to try to take down Captain Hook. Operation Green Walrus is a plan where I and three others will try to infiltrate one of Hook’s strongest research and weapons facilities. We will try to hack into their system and copy everything they know onto a flash drive. Then delete everything they know about us and about any new weapons they are trying to create. We will have no contact with anyone from the NLO. We will be alone just us four. So as I look at myself in the mirror I tell myself I need to stop being scarred and start being brave because it’s my job to keep my squad alive. I put my boxers on before I left the bathroom. I head right to my bed and lay down it only took minutes before sleep consumed me.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I got up and shut off the alarm and look at the clock, 5:00 a.m. I had an hour to get ready and go to the helicopter. I went to my closet and put on the suit we were supposed to wear, and then went to brush my teeth. I left my room to get breakfast. By the time I was done eating it was already 5:45 so I decided to start heading to the helicopter. I just entered the air field and I was already nervous about today. As I neared the helicopter I saw the rest of my squad Fred, Wilma, and Max. Right when I got there I was being pushed into the helicopter before I could protest the helicopter was already taking off.

As we got nearer to the facility I was getting more terrified. It hit me like a ton of bricks that I could be dead in the next few days. I looked down from the helicopter and saw thick forest underneath me. We were going to be dropped off 15 miles away from the facility and would have to walk the rest of the way there, so we wouldn’t draw attention to ourselves. “Everybody off right now” the pilot yelled. We all grabbed are parachutes and jumped off. I landed in a tree. I looked around to see we all did. I cut my self-loose from the parachute and fell to the ground. Max was already on the ground looking at a map. I went to go look at the map with him. It took five minutes before everyone was on the ground next to me. “Okay everyone we need to head east. We will walk 10 miles today, rest then walk the final five tomorrow” I yelled. “Yes sir” they yelled back and we started walking. It was 9:00 o’clock at night when we finally walked 10 miles. We stopped and made camp for the night. We each had our own tents to sleep in.
“I’ll start the fire” Fred says
“And I’ll start making the dinner” Wilma replies. We were all sitting around the fire eating baked beans and steak. Max, Joe, and Wilma were talking about strategies for tomorrow, but I was too wrapped up in my own thoughts to pay any attention. I’m so afraid about tomorrow and if I’ll survive I thought. I’m too young to die I haven’t even started a family yet. I don’t want to die! Max’s voice brought me out of my thoughts. “Hey are you alright man? You seem kind of out of it.”
“Yeah I’m fine just thinking about how awesome it’s going to be taking down the facility” I answered.
“Yeah it’s going to be great!” Max said with a smile. “
“Yup okay everyone time to go to bed it’s already 11 o’clock we have a big day tomorrow” I say. Wilma grabbed are paper plates and threw them in the fire before Joe put it out. Then we all went to bed.

Everyone went to bed two hours earlier and I’m still awake thinking about tomorrow. I can’t die tomorrow I haven’t even lived my life yet. I want to grow old and die of natural causes with my family instead of being murdered young. The only way I won’t die tomorrow is if I leave tonight. So that’s what I did I got up grabbed my bag and left in the middle of the night, never looking back.

It’s 5 o’clock in the morning now I’ve been waling for four hours now never stopping once. The others should be waking up soon. There probably going to freak out that I’m not there. Is sat down to take a break and to figure out what I’m going to do after I get out of this forest. I can’t go back to the base there definitely not going to let me stay there anymore. I have no family or friends to stay with. Nobody’s going to want to let me stay with them, or even talk to me after they figure out I left my squad to die. That’s when the truth hits me hard I’m going to be alone, truly alone. I was so scared of dying that I didn’t realize there’s a worst outcome than being dead, and that’s being alone. With no one to love and nobody loving you, I’m alone.

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