The Cloaked Secret | Teen Ink

The Cloaked Secret

April 14, 2014
By shelby_Lynne BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
shelby_Lynne BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm a lover not a fighter, but i will fight for what i love.

The Cloaked Secret
Woke up. Outside my window my small Egypt town was bustling about. Carts being pulled by horse or cattle, bumping over the dirt road. I came out of my room and was greeted with a good morning from my mother and breakfast on the table. After I ate my bread with fruits and vegetables, I kissed my mom good bye for the day. Making igneous rocks in to beautiful jewelry is my talent. My most beautiful masterpiece hangs around my neck. It is just a long, slender stone but has such an intricate color and design.
The day went on as usual. Not many people buy jewelry. A majority don’t have the money. Just then, a peculiar figure caught my eye. He wore a long black cloak that almost touched the ground, similar to my blue one. He walked up and inspected the jewelry. “So you make these?” he asked in a monotone voice. “Yes I do! They’re all original and handmade!” I replied. All he did was nod in approval and walk away.
That was odd I thought to myself. I continued to think about him for the rest of the day. As night fell, I still couldn’t stop thinking about who he could be. So I went to the gorge. Whenever I have to think or need some time alone that gorge is where I go. It’s a part of the mountain that fell years ago, but no one knew why. As I sat there and I thought, why would he wear a cloak and walk through the village? Why wouldn’t he let anyone see his face? As these thought were running through my head I had a feeling like I knew him from somewhere.
Breaking me out of my thoughts was voices. Down and off to my left. There he was! The cloaked figure! I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but the other man alarmed me. He wore the symbol of our sworn enemy. The cloaked figure passed him a large bag. I finally realized what was going on. He was helping our enemy! There was a traitor and he was just feet from me a few hours ago!? Then it went black.
I woke up. My head had a million horses pounding around inside. I was chained to a wall in a cave, in the side of the mountain I’m guessing. They both walked in. the enemy had a hard face, short hair, and a big build. The cloaked man was still mysterious. “What do you want to do with him? Kill him?” the enemy asked. “No! They could…uh..use it against us!” the cloaked figure said without much confidence. Hold on a minute, I know that voice! Mallard! My best friend was the traitor!?
They left, still bickering on what to do with me. I sat there pondering about how I could get out, but first I had to get out of the chains. My necklace! I reached in my shirt and pulled out my necklace. I picked the lock successfully and ran out if the cave. I ran in to town. It was now sunrise and everyone was in town square. Normally they’re at home sleeping or eating breakfast. They all were saying the same thing that, they have been stolen from. That’s why Mallard handed over the bag, so they could know what kind of items were making our living off of.
I stood up on a box and yelled “a traitor! In the cave in the mountainside!” a few military men came and asked me to take them to him. So I lead them up the mountain side and into the cave. Boom! A loud noise shook the cave and it collapsed on top of us. We were dead. Just then, something insane happened. I woke up. Outside my window my small Egypt town was bustling about.

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