Fat Jack | Teen Ink

Fat Jack

March 13, 2014
By Anonymous

There was a young kid named Bryan who was bored one Saturday in the summer time. Him and his fiends decided to go to adventure land park. Bryan had a friend that they called fat jack. Fat jack was huge guy with glasses and never wore a shirt. He weighted 600 pounds. Bryan thought it would be a good idea to bring him along but all of Bryan other friends said that he shouldn’t because of how big he is.

Bryan finally got everybody convinced to let fat jack tag along. They all got in bryans Geo metro, they had 5 friends packed in the little car. They put fat jack in the back of the car so he has more room than the others. While they was on the way to adventure land park there was a set of train tracks that they forgot about and the Geo metro would hit little bumps and the rear tires rubbed the wheel well. They was coming up to the tracks and Bryan had a idea just to go faster over the tracks.

So Bryan put the little Geo in 4th gear and he had it going 75 miles and hour. Once they hit it the back tires both blew off. Sparks was flying all over the place and they did a complete three sixty and slid to the side of the road. Bryan and his friends hurried up and jumped out to see what happen. All he seen was both rims sitting on the concrete.

Bryan immediately called his dad and his dad said there was a tire place right down the road called bratz. His dad said his friend tucker bratz was really good at changing tires for a cheap price. Bryan got all his friends together and fat jack was missing. They looked everywhere for him and couldn’t find him so they started walking to bratz without him. After thirty minutes of walking they finally arrived and walked in.

There was fat jack sitting at the table eating donuts. Fat jack said he got a ride with somebody who pulled over and gave him and asked him where he was going. Bryan went to the front of the counter and asked for tucker bratz, and if he was available to put on a couple tires. Tucker asked him what happen and Bryan told him the whole story and tucker just laughed at him. Tucker said he would get the wrecker and have it done shortly and that they could come get it after there done at the water park.

So Tucker gave them all a ride in a nice 2014 crew cab duramax that was rollin coal. When Bryan and all his friends arrived at the water park they had to go threw the turn style and everybody made it threw but fat jack. Bryan looked back and theirs fat jack just sitting there stuck in the turn style. Bryan started to think maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to bring him but its to late now. He went back and grabbed a hold of fat jack and drug him out of it, fat jack had to go threw the handicap one to give them his tickets.

Bryan and his friends along with fat jack decided they wanted to go to the adventure land water park first because they had new slides they put up that year. There was a huge line just waiting to even get into the water park. Fat jack had a problem with taking his shirt off because he was so big and he never did tell anyone that because he wasn’t expecting to go to the water park. He started shaking because eh was so nervous about taking his shirt off. All his friends asked him what was going on and he said I don’t know, he said im nervous to take my shirt off in public because im so big.

Bryan and his friends said don’t worry about that your a big guy and if anybody says anything about you we will all help you fight them. So they get into the water park and lay there beach towels down and everybody takes there shirt off except fat jack. He started to shake again like he did before and Bryan come over and said remember what I said. So fat jack grabbed his shirt and tore it off. Bryan looked over and seen there was a couple of kids making fun of how big fat jack was.

The kids come over to fat jack and all his friends and started making fun of him calling him fat and that there was a 400 pound weight limit on the slides that was there. Bryan looked at the kid who said that to fat jack and walked up and clocked him right in the mouth. The kids started to team up on Bryan but fat jack unleashed. He took a hold of one of the kids and picked him up with one hand and he grabbed abouther one by one hand . He carried both of them to the kids pool and threw them off in the water.

Since the kids pool was so shallow the kids fat jack threw in broke both of there legs. Fat jack turned around and took off after the other kids, he brought back his fist and punched on the the kids square in the face and dropped him and fat jack turned around and elbowed the other kid in the mouth. Fat jack and brayn turned around and looked at what they did and there was 2 kids in the kids pool screaming that there legs hurt and the other to was just laying on the cement with blood everywhere and there noses was all crocked. All of a sudden fat jack looked over and there was security coming after them. They caught fat jack and Bryan but let all there friends go ahead and let them go because they didn’t do anything.

The cops asked fat jack what exactly happen and he told them how the other kids was picking on him and calling him fat. The police officer laughed and he goes get out of here and go continue what you was doing. He goes I would have done the same exact thing so fat jack and Bryan took off to try out the new slides. The first one they went on was the biggest slide there and they finally made it all the way to the top. They got ready to go down the slide and Bryan went down first , he must have been going 50 mph plus down the huge slide.

Next it was fat jacks turn and he gets ready to go down and the guy that was there letting the people go down said one second how much do you weigh and fat jack said 600 pounds. The guy told fat jack the weight limit is 500 pounds but the guy felt bad and told him o its just a extra 100 pound that wont hurt nothing so fat jack took off down the slide. He got halfway down and fat jack thought he heard the slide start to crack. He opened his eyes and he was flying threw the air and the next thing he knew he was in the emergency room. Bryan was freaking out and called tucker and ask him to take him to the emergency room to see how fat jack was doing.

So tucker come and got him and when he got in he asked wheres all your friends? Bryan said I don’t know and I don’t care just take me so they took off. Tucker told Bryan he heard all about it and it didn’t sound very good. He said he heard on the scanner that hes about dead. Bryan started freaking out and about that time they was at the emergency room.

Bryan took off running in the hospital and asked where fat jack is. They told him he was in room 166 on the second floor and he went uo there and started banging on the door and the doctor answered and bryan asked is jack ok? And the doctor slowly said hes dead........

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