The hole | Teen Ink

The hole

March 10, 2014
By jonathanvvvwwww BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
jonathanvvvwwww BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Well, I guess that this is my only way of communicating out to my friends and family. It's only been about three months since I first went missing, but it feels like it's been years. What I am about to explain to you guys will be so mind boggling, confusing, and nonsensical that you will probably think a person imitating me is sending this letter to you. But that isn't the case. Allow me to tell you about what happened on July 6th, 2030, aka the day I died...

It all started that day. It was a Thursday to be exact. Thomas and I had gone fishing in the lake near our house. It was a slow day, we barely caught anything, and we were just about ready to go home. Tom said he saw a strange man looking thing behind a nearby tree. I laughed and he told me he wasn't kidding. So I just said " Oh whatever, it's probably just a branch or something. Besides, even if it were a man, why would he do anything to us?" And he agreed. So we walked down a little ways forward, and he told me he had looked back again, and the man was gone. So I told him the wind had probably blown it away. He agreed, and we moved on home. By the time I got home, we had a drink and talked and laughed, and then he went to his own home. And that was when things started getting creepy and crazy.

I had almost nothing to do because my parents had grounded me from almost everything from me, except for reading and fishing, because they considered them to be "productive". So I got a little experimental and dug around in the boxes in the attic, to see if I could find something to entertain me. And after about five or six minutes of digging, I found something. A video tape. A legit tape. And luckily we still had a VCR, so I was able to watch it. Well, the picture on the tape was unmarked, so I didn't know whether it was blank. Here are my first impressions from when I put the tape in. For one, the picture was TERRIBLE. It wasn't even 3d! But that's beside the point. The sound was muddy also, but I'd expect that from an old video. So now i was listening and watching it. Let me give you my best attempt at mimicking what the guy on the film was saying: "This goes to whoever is watching this. I have made an epic discovery. I was just strolling down my street, taking a jog, right? Well, I at last thought so. About five or six houses down from mine, there was an empty lot. What would be 206 Baker Street. Anyway, I always take jogs in the morning, and I never see anything weird, but THIS time, there was a huge gaping hole in the back of that lot! And there was some weird monkey looking think staring at me in front of it, so at that point, I went back home. Well after a few days, I went back over to the lot. And the hole was gone. So I got my shovel, and dug. And dug, and dug and dug until I could no longer dig. And then, I fell, so far down, and hit my head, and HERES the weird part, when I woke up, I was inside some random house, and asked where and when I was. The family that was there looked mind blown, and said that I was at 206 Baker Street and the year was 2030. So I recorded this video, in the kind families' attic, to warn anyone who dares go into that yard, DONT FALL IN THE HOLE." At this point, I didn't know what to think of the video. And then I realized, he said he was in the families attic. Just one problem: IM IN THAT ATTIC. So I turned around, and saw some weird fat figure in the dark corner. I slowly paced over there, and saw a blanket. So naturally, I yanked the blanket off, and was shocked to see the remaining skeleton of a person. And then I called over Thomas.

When Thomas got to my house we did some investing in my back yard, and after about three hours, we were finished finding nothing. I told him "that was the biggest waste of three hours ever, we couldn't find anything!" And as I said that I stomped on the ground, and fell straight down. He watched as I fell and screamed into black darkness, and that was the last time I had ever seen a good person.

When I woke up, I was tied up on a chair, and the lights were extremely dim. There was a man with a flashlight in my face, and this is what he told me: "If you ever want to see anyone that you love or care about again, here's what you have to do. Write them a letter, explaining everything that has happened to you, and tell them that I will send them our address if they give me one thing in return for you: your father." And that was about when I found out that my dad had sold not his, but MY soul, to a ghoul that was pestering him, which pretty much sums up that my dad's a lunatic and evil. And I've been here, with my legs tied to a chair, and my elbows tied together, ever since. I could barely write this letter. I may write to you guys again soon...

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on Mar. 18 2014 at 5:38 pm
Tghermione19 SILVER, Normal Hieghts, California
5 articles 0 photos 24 comments
Great work!