The Capitol | Teen Ink

The Capitol

March 4, 2014
By dkbooth60 BRONZE, Perrysburg, Ohio
dkbooth60 BRONZE, Perrysburg, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We look at him not only as our leader, but as a hero. While the fear of the unknown that lies ahead eats us alive he stands there, bloodstained and emotionless yet, full of knowledge and experience. We were still hidden, not knowing exactly where to go. Faint screams in the distance were sounding closer every second. Each breath I took seemed to have taken a lifetime. The numbers were definitely against us but Lucien made up for it. The screams got louder. Fleeing villagers paid no attention to us in their passing.
The few of us that were left looked to Lucien for the next move. He began to climb on top of one of the villas. Villagers were being struck down in the street. We knew it wasn’t like him to be a coward but where was he going? The obvious choice was to follow him, so that’s what happened. As we were climbing, vaulting, and running the beasts were still unaware of our presence. What exactly brought them to the point to attack our home? We’ve kept to ourselves all this time. We’ve allowed them to take large amounts of resources in order to keep peace, yet, for some reason here they are, beyond our gates and slaughtering our people.
I began to see the goal of our not so talkative leader. He was approaching the capitol building. Silencing their leader would send a great message to the enemy but would our men outside stand their ground long enough for him to do such a thing? Lucien signaled for me to boost him up to a riser on the side of the building. Work was being done to the side so it was our chance to make it in. He crawled slowly across the platform, avoiding the attention of the oblivious guard sitting outside of the windowsill. In order to get into the building the guard had to go. Lucien perched his bow, took a deep breath, and the next thing I heard was the faint squeal of the nearby beast as his life was quickly extinguished. We were told to hide the body so that other guards might not be alerted.
So we were off, into the second floor of the capitol building and slipping past as many guards as we could without having to take them out. Finally we began to approach the main room. Following Lucien’s command we began to open the door. When we opened it, there was the leader of the beasts. The thing was, he didn’t seem surprised at all; Almost as if he expected us. Guards appeared from the side and pointed their spears at us, slowly taking out our men, one-by-one until at last it was only Lucien and I. As the last breath of our dying men began to fade, there I lay not knowing whether or not this was all worth it. Would there ever be a real revolution? Would our deaths be remembered? Or would we just be forgotten along with the rest of these desensitized beasts?

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