First Words | Teen Ink

First Words

February 27, 2014
By Zibraan Ali BRONZE, SeaTac, Washington
Zibraan Ali BRONZE, SeaTac, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The city lights drowned away the darkness. The vroom’s of the cars set away the silence but her beauty took away my attention. Her name was Erica but she was unique unlike her name. It was our 1st anniversary and we were in downtown London celebrating. We had finished our dinner and were heading down to our house when an old man jumped out of the darkness and whispered into my ears “Be ware of who comes in front of you. He will kill you tonight, he will kill all of us! You can’t hide from him but when you hear the name “Jack” run!” After saying that he ran away while I stood in a dumbfound look thinking what had just happened while Erica laughed. We ignored him and kept walking home.

On the way home Erica asked me if we could go out towards the beach. It was a warm night so I said yes. On our way to the beach Erica and I came across a newspaper with the headlines “Jack the Ripper on the lose - Killing Victims Mercilessly” just as I read that my mind started to think about what the old man had said and I couldn’t get my mind of it. I thought to myself “Was she talking about Jack the ripper or was she just being crazy?” Thoughts ran through my mind but I decided to put them aside and concentrate on Erica. We made our way towards the beach and the city lights and the noises seemed to have disappeared. All I saw was Erica next to me and the beautiful waves crashing onto the shore. Erica turned around and looked at me, her beautiful eyes glimmered under the full moon and her black long hair swayed with the wind. I thought to myself “damn, I’m the luckiest man alive.” But in the back of my mind I still thought about Jack and what the old man had said. As much as I tried I just couldn’t take that out of my mind. As we made our way down the beach the clouds seemed to gulp the moon and the whoosh sound that the waves made had disappeared bringing forth an eerie silence to the night.

I said to Erica “Let’s go home” and she asked me why but I just told her that I was getting tired and so we started going home. On the way back home, I thought I saw something or someone hiding behind the bushes but I chose to ignore it since I thought it was just me being paranoid. But the quietness of the night was disrupted by heavy footsteps behind me. I looked around but saw no one. I heard heavy breathing but I just couldn’t figure out what it was. I grabbed Erica’s hand and we started running. As I ran I heard those same footsteps catching up to us. I had no idea what it was but my mind was expecting Jack. I had two options, either to stop and figure out who it was or to keep running. Seeing that my options were limited I decided to stop and face whatever it was but when I stopped the footsteps stopped. I didn’t see anything, not even a shadow.

I held Erica close by my side preparing for the worst and it happened all of a sudden. A man fully dressed in black, with a black trenchcoat and black ski mask jumped out. His aim was for Erica but I managed to push her away and step into the way of the man. As I did that, the man’s knife pierced through my chest. Pain scourged all over my body but Erica was still in harms way so I stood it out and tried to fight off the man in black. He was just about to reach for Erica when I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him away from her. He lost his footing and fell to the ground. I jumped on him and pinned him to the ground. His beady grey blood filled eyes starred right into mine. I punched him in the face and blood came out from his nose. He flipped me over and jammed the knife again into my sides. Blood squirted out of my sides and made my shirt seem like a canvas. I lay down in agonizing pain but then Erica came into my mind so I managed to somehow take the knife out of me and I chased after him. He was heading right towards Erica who was laying in a nearby ditch. I managed to jump him before he reached her. He fell to the ground taking me with him and the knife. The knife went straight through his neck and he died instantly. A pool of blood covered him and that marked the end of him. I then proceeded to lift up the ski mask and saw that the person who tried to kill us was none other than the old man who later on turned out to be Jack the Ripper.

I crawled towards Erica not knowing what her condition was. As I reached her I saw that she had a few cuts on her head but other than that she was fine. She was unconscious but when I held her hand she gained conscious and she looked at me and said with a very frantic concerning voice “Oh my god! You’re bleeding, we need to go to a hospital right now!” I could feel myself leaving consciousness so I just said to her “I love you Erica” and as my eyes slowly closed I saw her beautiful face covered with tears and just then everything went dark and I passed out. I woke up a week later with Erica on my bed side holding my hands and the first thing I saw was her beautiful smile that made me smile no matter what and the first words I heard from her was “I love you too”

The author's comments:
This is a fictional romantic/action story about Jack the Ripper and a couple set in modern times.

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