Shark | Teen Ink


February 19, 2014
By Faith Carroll BRONZE, Needham, Massachusetts
Faith Carroll BRONZE, Needham, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I spread out my towel and lightly placed it on the hot, sandy ground. My friends and I were just beginning what we expected to be an awesome winter break. My friend Ashley’s parents had told her that if she got good grades then they would send her and four of her friends to Hawaii for a week in February during winter break. We were in our senior year so this Hawaii trip was on of last times we would all be able to hang out before we parted for our different colleges. Sure enough, Ashley had pulled through, and my best friends and I were in Hawaii for a week. Without any parents, my friends and I were ready to begin our insanely fun vacation. We were all relaxing on a beautiful Hawaiian beach, all talking about how we couldn’t believe that this had actually happened. Just two days ago we were sitting at home in Montana, and now we were on a beach in Hawaii.
Once we landed in Hawaii, we were all so excited and couldn’t wait to begin our vacation. We took a cab to our resort and got situated in our room. We then got dressed up and explored all throughout our resort. After, we went to a nice restaurant and talked about how much fun we were going to have this week.
My parents had been skeptical about letting me go at first without any parents, but after I had assured them that I was responsible enough and I was with four of my friends. Also I said that I was eighteen and that I was an adult and old enough to make my own decisions. My parents reluctantly allowed me to go. I was able to convince my parents to allow me to go by telling them that nothing bad could happen in Hawaii and if something did go wrong I would be with four other responsible teenage girls who would know how to handle any situation.
We were all sitting on the beach as the temperature began to rise. We decided to go swimming to cool off. As we walked over to the cool blue water, I decided to wait before I went into the water. I wanted to become hot before jumping in because I get cold very easily, therefore once my body was hot, I could stay in the water for a longer time and enjoy it more.
My friends were laughing and enjoying their time in the ocean water. I desperately wanted to join them but I knew that I would have more fun in I just waited a little longer. Even though I wasn’t having fun in the water I was still enjoying myself playing in the sand at the edge of the water. Suddenly I heard a scream. That scream was not a surprise scream or a scream that happens when you see a spider in the shower. That scream was pure terror. I immediately looked up and saw why my friend Jane was screaming. Behind Jane was a shark! I froze. I had never seen a shark before and had no idea what to do. Everybody else that was in the water, along with Jane, swam to shore as fast as they could. However, the shark was closing in on Jane and before I knew it the shark was less then ten feet away from Jane.
Jane was swimming frantically, as fast as she could but I was unable to tell if she was going to be able to make it to shore before the shark did. As Jane neared the shore and the shark neared Jane, all of a sudden the screaming stopped and Jane was submerged underneath the water. Everybody who was on shore gasped in shock because Jane was no longer in sight. Nobody moved, nobody had any idea what to do. About thirteen minutes later the paramedics, police, and firefighters arrived. They asked people what had happened and they told them. Firefighters ran into the water with scuba diving materials and axe to kill the shark. An ambulance drove onto the beach and the paramedics prepared for when Jane would be recovered.
Minutes passed and there was no sign of Jane; multiple news stations at arrived to document what had happened. Finally three firefighters emerged from the water with Jane. The water around Jane was turning red because of all the blood that was coming out of her. The firefighters swam as fast as they could to shore when they reached the shore Jane was greeted by a stretcher. Jane wasn’t moving. I was so scared. All of my friends and I rushed to the stretcher. We were all screaming and crying. I could not believe what had just happened! I noticed that she only had one leg. There was blood everywhere. The sand beneath the stretcher had turned a dark red color. The paramedics were pushing everybody away. I could feel them pushing me away, they were saying something but I couldn’t make it out. I was only focused on Jane; I grabbed her hand and didn’t let go. A young man checked her pulse and then all of the emergency service people conversed and then silence. I felt a hand on my shoulder but didn’t look to see whom it was. A paramedic said something but I wasn’t listening. I then heard all of my friends begin to cry even harder. They were circled around Jane who was still on the stretcher. Jane was dead. I didn’t have to be told she was dead, I could just tell.

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This article has 1 comment.

hector velez said...
on Feb. 26 2014 at 12:04 pm
hector velez, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
very entertaining