First Day on the Force | Teen Ink

First Day on the Force

February 13, 2014
By Anonymous

“Nick! Time to get up, honey! You don’t want to be late for your first day on the force, do you?”

“Coming, Dear.” Nick said groggily as he ignored her call. Suddenly, as if the gears and levers that made up his mind powered on, and he opened his eyes and hopped out of bed. He realized that today was his first day on the force. He quickly got dressed in his freshly ironed police uniform, and went downstairs for breakfast.

When he got downstairs, he saw his wife Rose had prepared his favorite breakfast of all-time, an omelette with bacon and ham, with maple syrup drizzled over top of it. “What time is it, anyways?” Nick asked.
Rose responded, “7:20, dear.”

“OH MY GOSH I’M GOING TO BE LATE!” Nick exclaimed as he stole a quick kiss from his wife and ran out the door and into the light of Detroit. “Bye Honey! Be safe!” Rose shouted out the door. she hoped he heard her. the last thing she wanted was for him to get in a predicament the he couldn’t weasel himself out of.

As Nick was driving to work, he felt very… neurotic. He was both anxious and excited for his first day.
I wonder where they will station me. I wonder if I’ll get to patrol in a police cruiser , or be at the station, or even ride in a helicopter! Oh, shut up Nick. Why would you ride in a helicopter? It’s only your first day! Oh dear Lord, please don’t let me come into harms way, Amen.
These thoughts jolted through his mind like electrical shocks, as he finally drove up to the police station. As he sprinted into the building, he checked his watch.
7:38 AM. He was late.
He rushed in the building only to find the chief waiting for him. Chief John Rhodes was a very simple man. He was about 55 years old, about 5’11’’ and 200 lbs, and when he got angry, the hue of his face turned a bright scarlet and his eyebrows furrowed.
“You’re late, Benson,” Chief said. “We can’t have people arriving late on their first day on the job. This is a warning, but if you’re late again this month, I’ll have to ask you to leave the force. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes.” said Nick
“Yes what, Son?” replied John, his eyebrows starting to dart down, and his face changing shades by the second.
“Uh… Yes, Sir. Yes Sir!” Nick said as he saluted.
“That’s what I like to hear, son. Now get to your office.”

Nick was anxious, but excited. He could wait to start his first day at work!

Nick was shot and killed by a gang member later that evening.

The author's comments:
It's about a guy named Nick.

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