The Drug Game is a Struggle | Teen Ink

The Drug Game is a Struggle

January 8, 2014
By adamz BRONZE, Westwood, California
adamz BRONZE, Westwood, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"the more work you put in something the harder it is for you to give it up"

You better leave town or else your in for a lot of pain.Those were the last words I could remember before I felt the back of a gun thud against my skull. I woke up in an alley outside of Club 81, the craziest nightclub in all of Miami. I felt a bump on my head, and as I saw my reflection in a nearby puddle, I noticed a stream of blood trickled down my face. I knew I couldn’t go to the police or the hospital because then they would ask for prior information that I couldn’t tell them. So I went to my x-wife Karin’s house. She used to be a nurse or something like that, all I know is she worked long nights at a hospital and really enjoyed staying late with the head doctor Chad. He is a real douche, and my psychiatrist said he’s the main reason for our divorce. Chad might be at her place and if he is my psychiatrist will have a field day! F*** it I guess I’ll go and see if he’s there and if he is I wont stay long. When I got to Karin’s house it looked just as I left it, imperfections and all. I saw the eggshell white paint job that looked like it needed a fresh coat, the hole in the fence that I never got to fixing, and those two pesky shingles that always fall off had fallen again. I really missed this place but it wasn’t time to relax and think about what could have been. I managed to stumble my way towards the front door and not to my surprise Karin already changed the locks. I knocked, but after a minute of her not answering I got impatient and just kicked the door in. I then stumbled to the kitchen where I knew she kept her medical supplies, and patched myself up. Right as I put in my 12th and last painstaking stitch I heard footsteps behind me. It was Karin with the worst death stare I’ve seen her give me in a long time. “ I don’t know what I’m more mad about, you breaking down my door, or you dripping blood all over my new floors.” “You mentioned the damn floors just to get under my skin!” (I paid for them with the divorce settlement) I got what I needed and now I have no reason to listen to this b**** yell at me anymore. I left her house as soon as I could because I could tell she was about to bring up every last fight since we met 22 years ago.

Now that I had an hour or two to patch my wounds, I went to the usual meeting place. On the corner of 8th and Greenville. My whole crew was there waiting for me. I was supposed to be there two hours earlier, but obviously I was a little pre-occupied. When my men saw what had happened to me they didn’t even think. Each one of them reached for their weapon of choice. Tyrone went for his Glock .45 Westly went for his 12 gauge shotgun, and tiny, our six foot eight behemoth of a man just grabbed his brass knuckles. I knew I had to calm them down so I simply explained to them that death and killing will only lead to more of our men entering that eternal sleep that we all fear. We needed to plan a massacre on the man that did this to me. The man’s name was Victor Fuentez. He was the biggest coke dealer in all of Miami. I say was, because since I came into town I created quite a splash. He was almost forgotten in the drug world and only held control of his headquarters, Club 81. I was finally about to wipe him off the map, but as I walked into his club I had to test my product. Long story short, between cocaine, drinks, and hot Miami girls I couldn’t focus on my plan of destroying Victor’s once great drug empire. Two chicas as they call them here got me outside in the alley, but instead of a good time where I get to drop my pants literally, Victor caught me with my pants down in another way. He told me “leave Miami for good and if I’m not making it clear enough for you then big chuck over here will help you understand.”

After a week of contemplating different ways to get back at Victor, I finally crafted the perfect plan. I decided that the best way to hurt a drug dealer is make everyone hate his product. I needed someone on the inside for this job, and the only people that were allowed into his inner circle of drug mules were women. No one in my crew fit the requirements, so I swallowed my pride and went to Karin. “So your crawling back to me after you drip blood onto my new floor, and make me pay for a new front door! You expect me to do what?” “ I know it sounds crazy Karin but trust me if there was another option, any other option I wouldn’t be here. I can’t guarantee that you’l be safe but--” “I’ll do it.” “Wait what? Did you just say you’ll do it?” “Yes but on one condition. You need to come back to me” “I don’t understand you divorced me; why do you all of the sudden want me back?” “Sometimes you don’t appreciate what you had until it is gone. So what we had our fights, but it beats the lonely night with no one to talk to.” “What about that d*bag doctor of yours?” “After being with me for a month he discovered that he was gay. So I’ll do whatever you want me to do just please take me back.” I said the most frightening words I could think of.. “I do.”

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