simulator | Teen Ink


January 27, 2014
By isaiah32 BRONZE, North Richland Hills, Texas
isaiah32 BRONZE, North Richland Hills, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Vroom… what was that Corey thought to himself as another semi zoomed past him to wake him up. As he stumbles to his feet he soon realizes that he is on the side of an interstate in an strange orange jump suit.

“Corey Run” a voice calls from behind him. “That voice, that voice sounds so familiar. He snaps his head around to see who is calling him. He sees his friend Jordan running for his life. He yells again but this time with a terrible ton in his voice “RUN” noticing the black SUV’s behind him Corey starts running for his life. Without warning he hears a gunshot. He turns around to see Jordan lying face down motionless in the dirt. But he continues to run.

He sees one of the black SUV’s on the side of the road vacant. With no hesitation he sprints towards it. The keys are in the ignition so he opens the door and speeds off. Halfway down the interstate he sees a head pop out the back seat. It’s a girl in the same suit he is in. she screams with a screeching tone in her voice. Then she starts to kick while screaming. Corey yells “Calm Down, I’m a good guy not one of them”. She calms down and says “okay”

Corey notices that the black SUV’s are still chasing them so he makes a quick right into a cave in the side of a mountain alongside the interstate. When he stops the girl pops her head back up. She asks “do you remember anything that has happened in the past 24hrs” Corey thought to himself for a minute or two. But he couldn’t quite remember everything which was strange because he has really good photo graphic memory, all he remembered was screaming and gun shots but that’s it. So he told her “nothing, I remember nothing” she looks down with a disappointed frown on her face. Corey ask what’s her name but she can’t even remember her own name.

Out the corner of Corey’s he notices that the licenses plate is a Nevada licenses plate then he turns around to think. He picks up a rock and throws it down the cave. When the rock finally hits something it makes a metal “ding” Corey looks up and notices that there’s a giant 10ft tall metal door with big bold words scripted in it “AREA 51”.

While examining the door he notices a little key pad on the far right side with numbers on it. He looks in the pocket of his orange jump suit and sees that there’s a little folded piece of paper in it with six numbers in it. He looks at the girl and asks “do you know what the number meant” she looks up and says “no but you should try to put them in the key pad maybe it will open the door” “that’s what I was thinking to” he types in the numbers 08-64-10. After he backs away the door, the bolts start to unlock. When the last lock clicks and the door opens, there’s a bright light and a pathway to walk through. They look at each other and walk through.

When they get to the end of the path they see floating words that say “SIMULATION OVER”

And they woke up… the stranded simulation was over Corey had passed the first level of navy seal training.

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