Mixed Blood | Teen Ink

Mixed Blood

January 21, 2014
By Alezander BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
Alezander BRONZE, Viroqua, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You try, you fail, you try, you fail, but the only true failure is when you stop trying -anonymous

He was known by many names, Dragon slayer, Monster hunter, even Gladiator. William Stone was his name, his arm like tree-trunks, skin as tough as stone, hands looked as if they were molded to a sword from birth, and his name would become...Legend.

He was a man who never believed in the kingdom, or the king, always keeping to himself, selling his produce to the townspeople in and around the small village of Detrix where he lived all his life. He ran his logging farm with his family, Duncan his only child and son, only 13 and already a fine young man, broad shoulders, thick chest, and the hands of a logger. His wife Scarlett, with her long brown hair, he never missed one of her meals when it came to food.

William had just woken from bed, with many things to do he hurried, putting his clothes on with swift haste. “You’re in a hurry” said Scarlett, “Has Thomas finished your sword?”.
“It should be done today” said William fiddling with his boots “I’m going to town to pick it up and see about getting Duncan a practice sword”
Scarlett looked at William with discomfort and worry. “I told you I didn’t want Duncan to have a sword, they’re too dangerous.”
“He’s old enough to have a sword. He needs to know how to fight to protect the house, you heard about the raids of orcs that’s been going around” said William with discipline. “I suppose” Scarlett said, with defeat in her voice.
Detrix was known for it’s fish, since it was right next to a flowing river. It also had a fine blacksmith named Thomas who could forge any metal into a sword, coating the blades in fine materials for the added resistance to heat, frost and damage.
“Where are you going father?” said Duncan, “Has your sword been finished yet?”. “Yes it has, your mother and I discussed about getting you a sword to practice with”, said William with a smile on his face.
“When do we begin??” Duncan asked, bursting with excitement. “I will let you know when we get there duncan, don’t you fret” William exclaimed to Duncan.
From the house to town was not far, but by no means was completely harmless. William lived in the forest, where the bears, wolves and Spriggans. Although it was robbers that William feared for his wife, no mere robber would stand up to William, with his towering structure and thick chest. William had always enjoyed the walk to town. It was relaxing; the trees swaying with the wind, the light from the sun piercing the tree canopy lighting up the pathway as if the sun was showing him the way. The peaceful sound of the water rushing down the river splashing against the rocks spraying mist into the air, it tasted as fresh as water could be.
As William drew further down the winding path, the trees seemed to dance with the river. The sound of chatter grew louder as he neared Detrix, such a familiar sound it has been to William since he was a little boy walking to town with his father.
“Good morning Ben” said William, “Good morning Sir William, come to see the new merchants?. They’ve come a long way” said Ben.
“No, I’m here to pick up my sword from Thomas, the man has worked overtime to finish it”. “Be a mighty fine sword then” Ben said blankly.
Proceeding further into town he could smell the bakery and all the spices the merchants had out everyday, advertising new spices and occasionally offering a sample to anyone who seemed truly interested. He could see Thomas. Thomas was out front on the grinding wheel with a sword sharpening it. As William neared Thomas, it was apparent that Thomas had his full attention on the sword, the heat from the forge was soothing, though William knew it wasn’t very hot considering Thomas was not using it.
“Thomas” said William with a smirk, “Why are you sharpening that sword?”,
“Ahh Sir William, the blade was not sharp enough to my liking. After all I don’t want to upset a dear friend”.
“You would not upset anyone with your fine sword making, I’m sure the king would love to have a blade forge with your hands” William said with a heart warming smile. Thomas smiled, which was rare considering he had many orders to fill for the king’s men, with all the orcs raid and many of his soldiers falling in battle. “Done with my sword so soon?” said William with a mix of confusion and curiosity. “With all the orders for the king, I’ve had to put many of my orders on hold” said Thomas with a look of exhaustion “But this sword could not wait, it was forged with Star Metal, the strongest metal that I can forge” Thomas said with excitement “The hilt of the blade is infused with dragon’s blood”.
William had only ordered a steel claymore, but Thomas was making William the sword of legends. Star Metal blade with dragons blood in the hilt and with a gem at the end of the hilt, it looked hollow.
“Thomas, why have you gone through so much trouble to make me this sword?, you know I can’t afford a sword of this magnitude” A look of confusion grew on Williams face.
“I have known you for a long time as I knew your father, the merchants pay you close to nothing for your fresh fish” said Thomas. “Where did you even get star metal to forge this blade?”, Thomas tensed up knowing he had done something that William would not approve of.
“I bought the star metal off a warlock, who I also bought the dragon’s blood off of and that gem at the end of the hilt”, “It’s my gift to you” William takes the sword from Thomas examining the detail in the blade and curious about the gem at the end of the hilt.
“Thomas, what is this gem?”, “It is a soul gem” whispered Thomas
“A what?” William said curiously. William was starting to get worried that maybe this sword was a bit dangerous.
“When you kill something, like a wolf or a cave troll, you can capture its soul and fill the gem, making the sword more powerful, and you with it.” Thomas said with excitement in his voice.
William was shocked, he had never heard of such power. “What kind of things can it hold?’ William said with hesitation. “I was told by the warlock that sold me the supplies that there was once a king that had slain a dragon that killed his father, and he kept it with him always, the soul soon consumed him and then he grew mad, becoming a tyrant, power hungry and it drove his empire to the ground”. William was, in a way scared, of the sword now but was eager to hold it. Thomas handed William the sword, it was very heavy but when he looked at the blade closely the blade lit up like the sun, blinding William and Thomas. William noticed that blade was mysteriously somehow being engraved in front of his eyes. It was a language that he had never seen before. They were amazed by what they just saw.
The blade no longer felt heavy, it felt as light as a small stick and he heard voices. William thought nothing of it. “Thank you Thomas, I cannot tell you how much this kindness means to me”. “No trouble at all William”.
William conversed with Thomas for what seemed like ages, also speaking with Thomas about ordering a training sword for his son. “I would be delighted to forge the boys first sword” Thomas said with a warm smile. William soon noticed that it was getting late, and that he should think about heading home. William started for home, saying hello to the shopkeepers and guards patrolling the small village of Detrix on the way out of the village.
That night William was hearing voices, deep hoarse booming voices, blocking out the world. William hadn't realized that his wife was calling his name “William?, are you feeling alright?”. “Yes, I was just thinking dear, no need to worry”. Little did William realize that the moment that he touched the sword that something was set in motion. William was exhausted from doing daily chores and selling at the markets all day. William slept hard that night.
William was awoken by the sheer heat of the fire. He rose from his bed shocked at the sight of what he was witnessing. His house was on fire, everything was burning with none of the others in sight. William grabbed his clothes and sword running out of the house at full sprint, the night was warm and clear. The heat of the flames overwhelming., William could hear the roar of flames elsewhere, with swiftness he put on his clothes and sheathing his sword across his back
As the sword was set in place he felt a strange feeling, as if he could run faster and think clearer. Without hesitation William ran towards town in desperate panic to find his family, only to see the entire village in flames, bodies everywhere and orcs slaughtering everything, guards becoming overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of orcs.
A deep rage overcame William drawing his sword, he ran at full speed at the town, oddly William was not afraid of dying and that gave him the strength to face anything. The first orc to spot William was big, heavy armor battered from encounters from other towns no doubt held a giant axe. Before it could take the first swing William lunged his sword through the orcs chest, ripping through the orcs armor with ease. William pulled the blade out, red blood soaking the entire blade to its hilt.
The orcs crumbled body went limp and a strange glow came from the orcs body and as his started having this red aura surround it, William remembered Thomas’s story about the gem. William held out the sword over the limp body and the light rose from the body of the orc and slowly into the end of the hilt of Williams sword. Where the gem was. William felt a burst of strength as if he had suddenly become bigger.
William went through the entire village slaying any orc to step toe to toe with William, taking every orcs soul he could slowing growing in strength, he was blood thirsty, wanting revenge. The orcs had noticed William and had retreated except for one orc, a different kind of orc. This one looked tougher, his armor looking deadly, he held a long sword that was coated in blood of his towns people no doubt.
“You are not like these other humans” Said the orc with a deep voice, “Who are you?” the orc asked calmly. William’s blood was pumping, still holding the sword with two hands in front of him he said “My name is William Stone, and you will pay for what you have done to my family and town” breathing heavily through his teeth. The orc only smiled, his bottom teeth had shown two tusks that shown when he closed his mouth. He took a offensive posture and William rushed at him taking a swing at the orcs head, the orc parried the blow and almost making William lose his footing. “You are a strong human, stronger than I have seen in mosof my days” the orc said with a big smile on his face, knowing that William could not best him in combat. “I will see to it that you will have no more days to see to”, William rushed again with a hint of hesitation thrusting the blade at the orc, only to have it parried once again. William was afraid he could not best this orc. The orc noticed Williams sword, it far surpassed his own. He was terrified now that he knew William had such a blade, the sword was the thing of legends.
The orc now realized that he had the power to end his life, William was becoming enraged, his pulse thumping, his palms sweating and his grip becoming tighter. Time seem to slow down and he had seen an opening in the orcs stance, his right arm was heavily armored for some reason, losing much of its mobility. The sword stopped glowing, but now William felt as if he could move swiftly. William dashed forward but then next thing he knew he was next to the orc and he was shocked, the orc jumped away in shocked as if he had appeared there. “How did you do that???” the orc said now very frightened. William quickly realized that it was like had appeared exactly where he wanted to be. A giant smile came across Williams face and the orc was terrified and there was no hiding it.
William ran at the orc disappearing and reappearing as he pleased towards the orc, the orc swung blindly at William but William dodged his swings with ease and slashing at the orc as if him and blade where one. The orc was badly wounded and clearly knew his death was near. On his knees bloodied and with William towering over him without a single scratch on him. The orc taunted him “Your family is dead human” the orc spit the words at William. “No they are not, I will find them again” and having said that he threw the killing blow slicing the orcs head clean off.
His crumpled body was not glowing like the rest, it had a dark mist around it, William hesitated but still absorbed his soul, he could tell that this one was more powerful because of the strength that he felt. He felt stronger, William’s new life quest was to find his family and he would slay anyone, do anything to find them. Whether he had to fight an entire army. He was going to find his family and reunite with them at any cost. William Stone’s adventure had only...begun.

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