The Awaking of Courage | Teen Ink

The Awaking of Courage

January 19, 2014
By Anonymous

I can hear the loud thumping sound of my heart beat, as I quickly stagger through the Black Root forest. Tears string down from both sides of my black and blue cheeks. It’s not the bruising that I hurt from, it is my failure my, cowardliness, how could I let this happen? Why did I run? I could have fought longer my body was fine, so why didn’t I? All of a suddenly something snagged my foot. CRACK!
I woke up to the smell of my own blood which wasn’t so bad any more as it used to be, neither was the pain. There is small chunk of brake missing from the tree where my head hit. I slowly fingered the blood trail on the side of my head to see were the cut was at and how bad. I must have been laying here for a long time because the blood is cold, sticky, and a little dry. Haah, I stated to laugh out to myself and shaking my head disbelief, if a tree can do this to me, imagine what the Dark Soul would have done if I had stayed.
Never before have my feet felt so heavy and exhausted as they do now. As I looked up to see if I was somewhere familiar I finely saw it. My heart quickened in delight, as I saw the first view of my little cottage in the middle of my families old wheat filed, a slow hard chill went all the way down my spine when I got to edge of the forest. Why am ‘I happy? I failed! I have failed to avenge my parent’s death; this is all I have to look forward to in life. I can feel all of my anger balling up into my hands as I squeeze them shut. The words ripped through my mouth like wind against cloth, I will kill you all if it is the last thing I do!
The Dark Souls are three brothers that thrive on fear from, women, children and men and anything that has a heartbeat. The odor that we humans give off when we are scared, it attracted them, it’s our own fear that literal kills us. Well once they smell that sent of fear in a person’s soul, once they have someone, they’ll consume the soul from the beings body by sucking it out with no troubles. No one really knows where they came from but some say they have been around from the beginning of time but in different forms. It is true when people say looks are deceiving, well it is. They…, they look like handsome young men and I suppose they have a pleasant charm when they speak, but they use that to their advantage to fool so many unfortunate souls. Sometimes I think it so scary to know so much about your enemy and then to know that they know more about yourself then you know. The oldest and the leader is Klaus, he has a very strong minded, clever, and gives no mercy for anyone, and very argent. The youngest is Cole, who is immature and showdowns Klaus. Then there is Christopher, he’s clever, smart, and is a little more generous then the other two. They all almost look the same; they have dark brown colored hire, light blue eyes, but then their face structure is different. Klaus has a strong cheek and jaw that is lined with his well-kept shaved beard and then Christopher has a softer face structure. Cole has more of a boy face small rounder and has no sign of facial hire at all.
I was about five years old when my parents died, there was news of these handsome killers roaming around the country side. Of course we didn’t know what they could do but my parents’ took precaution and made a hiding spot for me if something did go wrong and it did. I still remember the sun being so hot that day, my dad being all sweaty from working in the fields and mom being so cheerful when she came out to bring his lunch, that’s when they showed up. They looked so normal; nothing out of the ordinary they fooled both of my parents. They asked for work and being my dad, so loving and kind he said yes falling face first into their trap. They used their sweet talk to convince my parent how nothing was different about them. They used their charms on them all the way up to dinner, and then things went terribly wrong. My mom quickly hid me in the spot that they made had for me, and that was the last time I saw my parents. Ever since then I’ve only been doing one thing and one thing only, training to kill them.

Cold water never felt so good running down my face. Staring into the mirror I could finally see the bruises and cuts on my face healing from the horrible fight last week. My black curls and my blue eyes are the only things on my head that aren’t messed up. I never really been pretty or ugly I just look vary plane, thin, short and I wear my hair up which makes my face look rounder but the only thing I care about myself is that I look fit, and then I never smile. When I don’t smile I look mean and then I end up intimidating to people and then they end up not liking me. I don’t remember the last time I gave a happy smile to someone, since my parents died; I just never had a really happy moment but I know the one thing that will make me more than happy, is killing those darn soul suckers. My eyes caught my own reflation as I looked up into the mirror, I stared myself down as if I was my own enemy. I will not fail this time…. I will not fail!
I couldn’t believe I was running and chasing after the two things that could have killed me, the coldness, and darkness of the Black Root forest, and now chasing after the three soul suckers brothers that I know I have no chance of winning to, but if I don’t stand up to these demons, who will? Even… no one can say I was coward. My heart was pounding just has fast and hard as I was running. I’ve been running through this thick forest for a couple hours now and I haven’t stopped to rest, my nerves in my feet telling me to stop, but I can’t, I must keep going or more innocent lives’ will be lost, just like my were parents.
I don’t exactly know where they live but I know Klaus and the others like to stay in the center of all villages that are spread out around the Black root forest, so I know they live in here somewhere. They would be the only ones that would live in this forest, no people and absolutely no animals. It’s so quiet here u could hear a pin drop a mile away, so if I can hear that I can deftly hear them talking and that makes it a little easier to find them. Last time it took me one days to find them, I heard them arguing about who killed who and how many they killed, when they had come from their last fest. I hated that day.
I jumped and flipped over loges and roots of the over grown trees that laid across the forest floor, then all of the sudden the ground became smooth and grassy; I came to a nice lush’s meadow. My hart began to feels so warm and strange, what is this I feel. This place feels so happy and pure to be standing in. It looks as if it was untouched by man. How something so beautiful could be surrounded by something so ugly and unpleasant. A cracking of a twigs caught my attention. I felt a cold shivers go all the way down my neck, as if someone was berthing on it. I turned a round so fast I could have fallen apart if I gone any faster. All three of them standing right behind me. “Just couldn’t get enough, could you Drew”. Those words slithered into my ear as if it was a snake.
“So are you going to run away again or are going stay too die just like your parent did. But unfortunately I don’t think we’re going to let you go this time.” Klaus said as he walked over to me with a smile.
I didn’t know what to say back, my mind says run and my body says stay and fight. My hart began to thump out of my chest as Klaus got closer. What do I have left to fight for, the two people that I love are dead. Let’s face it I’m just a coward like everyone else, too scared to stand up to them. Suddenly I mind went clear, wait that just it I ‘m the only person who ever stood up to these demos, no man in history had the courage stand up to them, but I been doing this for a long time I just have to finish it. This awaking of courage sprung out of me, like hot stem out of tea kittle.

I inhaled deeply “yes I will fight; I will fight to my own death if I have to.” I met Klaus’s eyes and he said “Then so be it then”
“I will go first!” Cole said eagerly. He jogged over and stood right in front of me, cracking his knuckles and neck, “will tells get to it then.”
“Be careful what you wish for kid,” I through back at him. He gave the first punch, I dogged it with eases. As we fought I didn’t know if the other two were going to jump in and help him or they were just waiting for their turn if he lost. Crack! That was the sound of my nose braking; I stumbled back and tried to wiped most of the blood off of my face. A sharp pain came from the top of my head and then I was on face first on the ground. I felt a drowning sensation rushes over me as I tried to stand up, but my knees were too weak and I fell back down.
“You’re just human and you’re a girl, why do fight when you know you’re just going to fail? Why do fight when no one else does? You’re no special.” Cole whispered. I felt a hard pusher on the top of my head, he had placed his foot on my head as if he thought he had already won. But no he did not, I quickly turned and nocked his feet from under him and he landed right on his back. Grabbed the knife from my back pocket and jumped on him and pinned him to the ground. I held the knife to his neckline,
“Do you want to know why I fight, because I believe myself and I know I can kill you!” I thrashed the blade down to his throat. I looked into his eyes as I watched his life from his body fated from him. I couldn’t believe I did it I killed him. I felt more confidents flowing through my body and giving more energy. I got up, wiping his blood off my hands and then I turn and looked up at the two. “So who’s next?”

The author's comments:
This is so Good

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This article has 1 comment.

Madie2k BRONZE said...
on Jan. 25 2014 at 9:34 am
Madie2k BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't the best of them bleed it out. While the rest of them Peter out." -Foo Fighters

You are an excellent writer! I found a few spelling mistakes but that was it. I loved your story, keep posting!