revenge | Teen Ink


January 14, 2014
By kiarahaynes BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
kiarahaynes BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I thought that I could change and everyone would forget how I used to be. I had spent so much time trying to be popular and fit in and did whatever I could to stay that way. And in doing so I had become something I hated. A bully. And I was one of the worst. Not caring about or even considering others people’s feelings. But after last year when I walked into a girl in the bathroom crying because of me I had an epiphany and realized I needed to change and be a good person. And Melanie (the girl form the bathroom) became my best friend.

So here I am on the first day of school with different clothes and different friends. I’m a whole new person. Many people in the hallway stared and gave me nervous glances like I was an angry bull and would explode at any second, but all I did was smile and keep walking heading toward Melanie’s locker.
“Hey Mel,” I said when I got to her locker.
“Hey Mia. Are you done freaking out about the first day of school because I don’t know how much longer I can take it,” she said.
I laughed and nudged her with my shoulder.
I said,”Shut up.”
Then she laughed and shut her locker and we started walking toward our first period class. I could still feel people staring but I just ignored them. We got to class and took our seats talking until Ms. Hansworth, our math teacher, walked in. When class started it was the normal routine of every first day of school. The teacher was going over rules and procedures while everyone in class tunes them out and tries to stay awake wishing for it to be summer again. I was doing exactly that until I felt a very intense feeling of someone staring at me. I turned around and felt all of the air scurry out of my body. It was Ryan Lawrence. Out of all the people I bullied I was the worst to him. I bolted around in my seat.

I guess you could say he was a nerd. He wore glasses and he was really smart and everyone teased him for it, and I was the worst. I teased for anything possible just to make people laugh. Everyone knew that so most people tried to stay clear of him which caused him to not have many friends. I felt horrible just thinking about it. Now he walked around like he had a big chip on his shoulder and I knew it was because of me. Melanie saw my discomfort and gave me a questioning look and I just shook my head. I felt like I could still feel him staring at me but maybe that was my imagination. When the bell rang with an earsplitting shrek I couldnt have left the class faster. I waited by the door for Melanie to come out. She gave me another look.
I said,” I really hate math I didn’t want to be in there longer than necessary.”

I guess she bought my excuse because she just showed up and walked in the direction of the of our next class. I was about to follow after her until I bumped into someone. I started mumbling a series of apologies until I looked up and realized who I bumped in to. Ryan Lawrence. My heart started pounding in my chest.
“Sorry,” I said and ran to catch up to Melanie. But not before looking back and seeing him glaring at me.

Months pasted and so far the school year was going horrible. People were still staring at me which was getting really annoying and I had so much extra credit work because all my papers kept disappearing out of my locker. I had to make sure that I always had extra clothes because at least once a week someone would trip me in the lunch room causing my lunch to spill all over me and countless other things that could actually injure me. And I’m pretty sure the cause of all this is Ryan Lawrence because after every incident he would always be there. Smirking or laughing or just plain staring and glaring and most of the time it was staring. I tried to tell Melanie about it but she just wouldn’t listen.
“You’re being paranoid,” she said. It was the middle of October and I was over her house studying.
“No I’m not. You don’t think that it’s a little weird that every time something bad happens to me he’s there or he’s the one that’s causing it?’ I asked. “The other day he almost ran me over with his car.”
“You weren’t paying attention. You were on your phone,” she said.

I couldn’t believe that she still didn’t believe me. I let out an exasperated sigh and started packing up my stuff.

“Fine, don’t believe me,” I said. Then I Left

I started my walk home. It wasn’t a very far walk but it was cold and there were creepy Halloween decorations out that gave me an anxious feeling. I was walking and then I heard footsteps behind me. I looked behind me and saw that in was Ryan. My eyes widened and I turned back around. I thought that maybe he hadn’t even noticed me and he was just walking but I still quickened up my pace. But then I heard him start walking faster too. So I grabbed my phone and dialed 911. I started running and explaining to the lady on the phone what was happening. I could hear him running after me. He was a lion going after his prey. As soon as she told me the police were on their way he caught up to me and tackled me knocking my phone out of my hand but luckily the police were already on their way. I started screaming but then he covered my mouth with my hand.
“Time for a little revenge,” He said.

He tried to pick me up but then we both heard the faint sound of police sirens and we both froze. He scrambled up and tried to run away but he didn’t get very far before the police caught him. I let out a deep breath and relaxed relieved that it was over.

Over the next week the news of what happened spread over the school very fast. Melanie found out and apologized a million times for not believing me and I just laughed and forgave her. Ryan was put in jail for at least a year. And lucky for me people had finally stopped staring at me. I guess they had finally realized that I’m not the same as I was last year. I was just happy that everything was over and all was forgiven so that the rest of the year could go on normally.

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