Road trip gone wrong | Teen Ink

Road trip gone wrong

January 3, 2014
By ElijahD.W. SILVER, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
ElijahD.W. SILVER, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life's too short, make the most of it"

As I look out my bedroom window I see the colorful palette of orange and red overtaking the morning sky. Seeing the sunrise is quite an abnormal for my nocturnal life and me. But this is a different day, I think as I pack for my trip. “I wish I knew where I was going for the next week,” I mumble to myself. It is a secret cause Robby knows I like mysteries.
As I wait for Robbie to arrive, I remember that I need to pack a book for the car ride. As I go through my plethora, one catches my eyes, “Unsolved Mysteries.” I look at clock and see that it’s 9:50am so I have about ten minutes, so I flip through the book and I see something that interests me. It’s titled, “Mysterious Murders,” so I decided to start there. After I sat down, the clock said it was time to go. I ran outside with my book in my hand and got into the car. When I got into the car Robby looked at me and just laughed then we drove away.
After about then minutes of complete silence I break it like a twig by asking, “So where are we going” in a joking manner, trying to get the information out of him.
“Don’t worry about it, you will figure out when we get there! He yelled.
In shock I replied, “What's wrong with you man, all it was is a simple question. Chill out!” Then to avoid conversation I shut my mouth and turned up the car radio.
After about an hour or so he tells me, “We will be stopping at a truck stop in a another hour or so, then we can get some food for the road.”
This news is nice, it means I can get out of the car that’s confining me. So I take out my book trying to read the time away. First I opened to the start then I realized that I book marked the Mysterious Murders section earlier. The first story in the section was called “Driving Disaster”.
It read, it was a cold winter night in the month of November, when three friends were about to get together to go on a road trip. So they got in the car and hit the road for their long road trip. After an hour or so the snow got really bad and the roads were extremely slippery. Before they knew it a car was coming head on at them, then their car flipped around multiple times. Two of the three friends died in the crash and the third one was in intensive care for over a year. What made this mysterious is why was the car going on this side of the road and why he car was going so fast.
After reading, I realized how similar these trips were. But I threw this thought to the side. Due to the carsickness overtaking me. During my slumber I had dreams of death and how this trip could go wrong. Then out of nowhere I’m awoken by Robby shaking me. I could tell he was saying something. So I asked him “what are you saying man?”
“I was telling you to wake up!” he answered, “I thought you were dead and I wouldn't want that to happen.”
I chuckled and replied “Nope we wouldn’t want that to happen. Where are we at?” I questioned.
“O yea we are at the truck stop to get a bite to eat.” He told me.
So I get out of the car and I walk through the electric doors of the truck stop. The glass in the doors were a black tinted bulletproof glass, the glass must be unbreakable. When I walked in all I saw was mini versions of popular food chains. “Where are you going to eat?” I ask him.
“I’ll probably eat at the mini pizza hut over yonder” Robbie answered “What about you Bobby?”
That Chinese to go place seems like it would be good.” I replied. “Lets meet at that table when were done getting our food.”
“Sounds like a plan Stan.” He says as he walks away.
“My names Bobby not Stan” I yell as my smiling face walks away from him and toward “Chang’s and Chin’s Chinese food”
As I walk up to the restaurant I overhear someone talking about a hit man and someone's going to die. But I let it go thinks it’s all in my head because of earlier.
Once I got in line I saw a huge quantity of food but one item catches my eyes its called “Homicide Burger and Fries”. When I got at the front of the line to order I ask what that was.
The man with the strong Chinese dialect told me, “it is the spiciest plate you will have, it will murder your taste buds.”
“Okay I will have some of that.” I say almost regretting it. But he hands hand me the plate and I see what its actually on the plate. The plate had a mix of long thin fries and chopped up hamburger soaked in this blood red sauce. “Looks delicious.” I tell the man I as I walk away.
As I walk away a familiar voice catches my attention by saying “Here's your fortune cookie” and he handed me a cookie.
“Do I know you from somewhere?” I ask him as I snatch the cookie from his grasp.
“Not that I know of sir.” He replies innocently.
“Okay then have a good sir,” I tell him as I walk away, but then it hits me. That was the guy who was talking about a hit man and someone die a little bit ago. Like I do a lot I put that thought to rest and head back to the table.

As I walk back I looked up and I could see Robby sitting at the table waiting for me. Whilst I was walking back I decided to open up my fortune cookie and read it to myself. It reads “I see death in your near future.” I chuckle at the thought and continue to walk. Next thing I know the power goes out… Bang! Bang!

Then the lights go back on but the doors wouldn’t open, which could be shown by the people running toward the door then realizing its hopeless. I figure it’s probably the generator that doesn’t have enough power to open the doors. When I look around to see where the gun was fired I see it, Robby dead on the floor with a bullet in his head. “BOBBY!” I yell so everyone could hear. Sure enough everyone crowds around Bobby and me.
Through the crowds murmurs I could hear one main question who did and why.
Next thing I know two police officers push through the crowd. With the smell of donuts on their breath they yell, “Get away from the dead man!” The authority in their voice causes everyone but me to listen.
After the crowd backed away the main officer tells me to come with him. I have to bite my tongue to stop myself from asking why.
* *
“What’s your name son?” The officer asked me
“My name is Robby sir.” I replied
“How do you know the dead man”?
“His name to Bobby?”
“Okay then how did you know Bobby?”
“He is my best friend, I mean was”
“Why were you and Bobby here today?”
“We stopped here to get a bite to eat, we were taking a road trip to South Carolina, it was a surprise.
“Where were you when this happened?”
“I was sitting at the table with my food, waiting for him.”
“Why weren't you two together?”
“Because I wanted to go to pizza hut and he wanted to go to the Chinese place.
“What did you see Bobby doing before he was killed?”
“I saw him talk to some Chinese guy that gave him a fortune cookie then I saw him unwrap and eat it.”
“Do you know what the fortune said?”
“No, maybe you should go get it and read it.”
“That’s just what I will do.”

“I got the fortune and guess what it says?”
“Like I said before I don’t have the slightest idea.”
“It says ‘I see death in your near future’.”
“Wow isn’t that ironic.”
“Yes and it is also a clue of who killed your friend.”
“That is also a possibility.”
“Do you know what that Chinese guy looked like son?”
“Yes sir I do, want me to point him out to you.”
“Why yes that would be nice.”
After I pointed him out they put me behind a secret window built into the wall so I could watch him get interrogated.
“Have you ever met Bobby the dead man?” The officer asked the Chinese man.
“Yes once, I gave him a cookie earlier.” The Chinese man answered.
“Do you know what the cookie said on it?”
“No sir I just hand them out, I don’t read them.”
“It says ‘I see death in your near future’ do you have anything what this looks like?”
“No, what does it look like.”
“It looks like you kill him.”
“I didn’t kill anyone.”
“It looks like you did.”
“I Didn’t Kill Anyone!”
“But it looks like you did.”
“I didn’t kill him but I’m the reason he died.”
“How if you didn’t kill him?”
“I found and hired a hit man they call red hornet to kill him.”
“Someone paid me to do it.”
“Robby, Robby, it was Robby”
“His best friend Robby.”
“Best friend? That was just an act so people didn’t think it was him.”
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I yell as I realize my plan fell apart.
“Okay can you put your hands behind your back we can discuss the rest at the station.” Both cop say in unison whilst arresting both of us.
After reading us our rights they took us back to the lobby. When they shut the door everyone fell silent and looked at us. But when we got to the door they realized the door was still powered off.
“I’ll call some other officers to pry the doors open.” The officer said to us.
That’s when I realized it was my chance. “I’m sorry guys I never wanted it to end like this but this is what Red wanted, Goodbye.”
Then I somehow am able to smack my pocket and then it started. “Ten, nine!”
“What are you doing” I hear people yell in the background.
“Eight, Seven, Six, Five!”
“Can’t you stop it” people ask the police.
“Four, Three!”
“Two, One...”


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