revenge? | Teen Ink


December 18, 2013
By Anonymous

There it was, it was going to set off any second, I was about to jump I had no second thoughts and definitely no turning back… Right now you are probably wondering how I got here.
Well It all started in 1979 , I was a four year old kid in a big house with a rich family. one day I was playing in my room with my dad. In the middle of our game there was a knock on the door, five men ran in wearing burglar masks and holding guns. They grabbed my mom and dad then they took them outside with bags over their heads. I was just sitting there, there was nothing I could do about it. I just watched them dragging my parents outside & stealing Their stuff. I kept on watching as one man put them against the car and two other men pulled out M-16 rifles and shot my parents to death.
After that I was forced to live with my uncle peter griffin until I was eighteen years old. As I was living with him I learned a lot of things like how to shoot a gun, how to build things, and how to kill animals. I still never ended up knowing who killed my parents. At the age of fourteen I met another one of my uncles his name was james. I would always go to his house and we would always do things together. One day we went to go eat at a restaurant and uncle James said to me ‘can I tell you a secret”
“yes, why.” Jerome asked
“Because, I killed your parents.” uncle James confessed
“Why did you do that.”
“Because I wanted all of your family's money.”
“so you killed my parents.”
“I had to, after your grandma died she gave all the money to your parents, then I got jealous and thought that if I killed your parents I would be able to inherit your money.”
“you didn’t know they had me.”
“no because I haven't seen your parents in years, so when me and my group of men got there I couldn't stop them so it was too late, im sorry.”
when that was over a year later my uncle james moved to new york. My first plan was to seek revenge. Me and my uncle peter found a group of three other men, carl johnson, richard parker and jerome in da hood. Our plan was to get on a plane to New York and tell james to get on the same plane and we will explode the plane. We got together three days later to get on the plane to new york. I already called my uncle james and he was on the same plane. When we got on our plane it was eight o'clock my uncle james was still on the plane.
At night when we were on the plane I set the bomb everybody was still asleep I woke up my group. We got our parachutes out and the bomb had two minutes left my group already jumped. My parachute got stuck it wouldn’t open until i finally got it open. So here we are again, There it was, it was going to set off any second, I was about to jump I had no second thoughts and definitely no turning back. All of a sudden I realised that this was it I finally got my revenge but now I have to kill innocent people but it was too late I had to jump or else I would die. I jumped and opened my parachute I slowly drifted away as the plane blew up into tiny pieces over the atlantic ocean.
Then I realized that if i’m in the middle of the atlantic ocean how am I going to get back? Well that was simple I wouldn’t so me and my team were stranded in the ocean for three days until we all died. Before I died I thought, why did I have to do this? I killed innocent civilians, now me and my team are going to die in the middle of the ocean just for revenge on my uncle James.

The author's comments:
i wrote it for school

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shrek_357 said...
on Apr. 11 2014 at 2:08 pm
shrek_357, San Diego, California
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
truly amazing love it you are the best writer ever can i get your autograph