Eyes of war | Teen Ink

Eyes of war

December 6, 2013
By Nina Clarke-Telfer BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Nina Clarke-Telfer BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Bullets sprinkled across ground, causing dust to cloud around my face. The particles I breathed in wrapped around and strangled my lungs that were now in desperate need for clean air. I shifted my focus on the fact that I was in the middle of the battlefield, and should probably get out of the way. I dove behind a wall built of sandbags. Explosions went off blasting rock and sand everywhere. I cupped my ears begging God to make it stop. A pounding rattled through my head that was caused by the loud explosions. Trying to hold my ground I stood up and shot back. The guy hit the ground, and instead of feeling happiness that I was no longer being fired upon a dark realization crept into my head. I am no better than them. They bring destruction, I bring destruction. They cause chaos, I cause chaos. They kill innocent people, I kill innocent people. This was war, replacing words with guns. Why would I kill a guy I do not even know? Because my country told me too. I was soon shoved backed into reality when a stinging pain ran all through my left shoulder. I was hit. While gripping my shoulder in mercy, two more bullets entered my body in the stomach region. The sounds that left my body resembled the sounds people make when they are about to throw up. My vision started to get blurry and I clung onto the sand wall fighting to stay awake. Then, I blacked out.

Three days later I woke up to the smell of “fresh lemon” which was clearly the scent of the disinfectant used for this room. People were crowded around me, but it was hard to make out what they were saying. The noises of beeping machinery and continuous shrieks crashed together giving me everlasting nightmares and headaches. No matter where I am this war seem like an endless prison. Over the next few weeks I sat there, healing, and rethinking of why I joined to serve. When I was finally well enough to go back out there, all I could think is how I have 60 days left of this torture.

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