Man And The Balloon | Teen Ink

Man And The Balloon

December 6, 2013
By dyedy18 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
dyedy18 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Man how did I get myself into this. Bob thought ok so let me think this over. So this morning I was helping my friend make balloons to sell. We made 100’s of balloons and they all fit in my hand. I felt a little light. But I just ignored it so I went outside to stand on the corner to sell. And 5 minutes later the ground was getting further away. How did i not notice this before. I felt woozy and scared at the same time. I could jump and live might just break my foot or leg. But I didn’t because it would be too much money to lose. I decided to just hang on until my arm dies, balloons pop or get hit by a plane anything can happen in the sky. I knew there was no hope. I would most likely die of thirst or hunger and lack of air. I could think of these possibility all day, forever. So I start to fall asleep knowing if I do I will let go. But I try so hard but it is so cold. So right as I am about to fall asleep I hear.
POP POP !!! I wake up as soon as I hear that but I am plummeting to earth slow. But the pressure will change so…. POP POP!!! now I am going faster. Oh no there is barely 100 balloons left. Now as I plummet the air is warm. I see the cars the lights and the tall skyscrapers. But soon I won't see them anymore. The buildings get closer and closer. And then ….

Darkness settles.
It was only a Dream but it once was said that if you die in your dream you won't wake up. Well in this case it was true the man didn't wake up. His wife shook him pretty and pretty much slapped him then she called the ambulance. The medics took his pulse nothing no one ever knew what killed him or he died of. But every May 20th. Sadness Falls

The author's comments:
I was inspired by art in an teen ink magazine

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