The End of the World | Teen Ink

The End of the World

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

I fell back into the dark ravine as the sky split into a brilliant rainbow of doom above me…

With a jolt I woke up in a cold sweat, thinking about the dream and possibly omen, because I’m just optimistic that way. I scarfed down a quick breakfast, combed my short black hair, washed the grime off my oval shaped face, threw on a red jacket and blue pants, and rode to school on my bike. There I parked and then sprinted to 1st period, band.

As the clock ticked toward 10:15, a shadow flitted across the window. No one else noticed, and I suspected that they could not see it. It sped across the panes until it slowed to a halt at the window next to my desk. Writing appeared on my notebook: Go to the trees at the parking lot during brunch. I considered the possible outcomes: Go or go. Oh well. I needed a bit of fun in my life.

Time passed slowly after that, and when the bell finally rang, people only saw a blur as I raced for the door and from there the trees. I could not discern who the mysterious figure appeared to be, and his face hid from me via a hood. “So, why have you brought me here?” I asked.

“Listen to me. The world may end soon if not for you,” the person said.

“Look, I don’t exactly have time for saving the world. I already have enough homework on my hands. Go choose someone else,” I told him as I left for 3rd period. He watched me leave, but I could not discern his expression. I gradually got an uneasy feeling, and I picked up my pace until I ran toward the line at 3rd period.

3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th period were not really uneventful. I failed a volleyball game in 3rd period while my thoughts were elsewhere. I never could play well at volleyball, but in this particular game I accidentally knocked down and split the net. Of course, I spread happiness and joy everywhere I go. The teacher came over and gave me a VERY happy and interesting talk about not breaking school property anymore or face suspension. Tired and unhappy, I trudged my way to 4th period, Social Studies. There I faced my greatest enemy of the day: my singing. The very thought of my own singing made me cringe, and so I went to the bathroom to hide from the horrifying screech of my voice. After 3 minutes, I went back in and looked around cautiously. To my surprise, nobody’s eardrums had burst! 5th and 6th period had nothing noteworthy, and afterwards I got on my bike and rode back home.

The moment I walked in the doorway, I knew something had happened. It took me a moment to realize that the entire house held no sound. Not even the long running computers or the constantly talking mouth of my brother had stayed. Even the TV had disappeared, and the fridge sat outside, dejected and lonely. I stormed into the garage, and angrily demanded answers for what on earth happened. Sabotaged happened everywhere in my house, from the igniting the car to cooking food to even picking up a pencil. I tried to talk them out of it, but they were unnecessarily stubborn, just like me. All of us stood there for tens of minutes, until I, being the youngest, stopped and just got into the car like they wanted. We all got in the car, and from there we drove to our new house in the mountains. In reality, we ATTEMPTED to drive to our house in the mountains. The moment we started up the car, we heard a screechy noise and two of our tires popped. “That’s the sort of thing I’m talking about,” my parents said. I went outside and checked, and sure enough, the mysterious shadow guy stood there. “Can you stop ruining my whole life? Like I said, I need to do my homework, and this is stopping me from doing it. Leave. Now.” I told him. He did so and I went back in the car. We then called a tow truck and towed us to a automobile repair shop, where we pumped up our tires and drove to our new home.

That night, I lay awake for a few hours thinking about the mysterious black figure. So, I’m supposed to save the world? If he’s actually magical, can’t he just clone me? Can someone clone me? After hours of these thoughts, I finally fell asleep and got some rest before Saturday. On Saturday, I made a call to a cloning company, because that’s what people do on Saturdays. They clone themselves so they could do their homework and their clone could save the world. They accepted my offer to clone me. Fortunately, the clone had the exact same features and talking style as me, and I would just have to wait and see if my clone would save the world.

I went back home and did my homework, waiting for the shadow to signify the coming of the black figure. Sure enough, it did appear, and the guy appeared and looked at me and the clone. We both looked at him. My clone said,”Who’s this guy?” I glared at him and reverted my attention back to the figure. The person’s eyes were darting back and forth between my clone and I, and after a long pause, the clone and the person dissipated in a burst of black smoke. I let out a sigh of relief. Now, finally, I could do my homework in peace and chat with my friends without having to wonder about saving the world!

Clone PoV

Well, some day, I think Saturday, I popped into existence. I didn’t even know how I got formed, and I saw someone else about my height standing in front of me. He wore the same CLOTHES as me and has the same length arms and hands! I looked around at my surroundings, and suddenly realized I must be a clone. That day, I went back with him and some mysterious guy appeared teleported me somewhere. The first feeling I felt there consisted of 2 pints of puzzlement, 2 pints of fear, 2 pints of apprehension, and 1 pint of excitement. After you acquire those ingredients, add in a bit of flour, and stir 4 times clockwise. Voila! You have the feeling that I felt. A building with the sign “Walk Inside” at the front, so I walked forward with a nod of encouragement from the mysterious guy. All of a sudden hidden traps activated and by instinct I lifted my arm to cover my face, and instead got a few arrows to the arm. I continued walking, because I already been equipped with an old fashioned shield. I assumed this tested my reflexes before I went in. They expected me to do well and not die, so of course I let myself just crumple to the floor because I don’t like being controlled by others. After that, the world began to lose color, and I lost consciousness.

Main Person PoV

I actually thought about what my clone had to do at whichever random dimension he had disappeared to. It seemed wrong that me, or at least Version 2.0 of me, took the original’s place. I shook my head and returned to my homework, but couldn’t keep my thoughts directly on the math I needed to do. As I delved into my math homework, my mind suddenly met a huge spike of pain, and I almost passed out. Something in my mind said that my clone became target practice for a bunch of archers, and he, like me, experienced bouts of pain enough for both of us to pass out. Wow, now I have a bond with a clone that can kill both of us. I always wanted that for my birthday, and I got it. Totally. Anyway, I passed out after that, but not before diving into my bed. The next morning, I woke up with my head throbbing painfully. I tried sending a message with my brain, something like Send this to my clone: Are you OK? Don’t hurt yourself anymore or I will. Soon enough, I got a reply. Great. Now I had a built in communication system. If I got an army, what would happen… That would be for another time. Anyway, my clone said he was getting tested for… something. I told him that “something” would be saving the world while I was doing homework, which seemed to cheer him up. Everyone likes saving the world better than doing homework, except me, it seemed. Well, it seems that I’m normal and they’re all crazy. My clone seemed to be having FUN training to save the world, which was completely unexpected. And he got good food. If they mentioned the food, I would have gladly accepted. Apparently something in my body allows my capabilities to be extremely high, so I could be a lot stronger and smarter than others. Some downsides were that others would have to endure my extended capability of sarcasm, though I didn’t see how it could possibly get more annoying. So, he was training his variety of different skills needed to save the world, and I was training my skill in HOMEWORK. They should’ve told me earlier.

Clone PoV

Well, I was having fun. I had wonderful food to eat, which is the main thing I love about this place. I still had to train every day in my mental and physical capabilities, but it got easier every day. The “original” me seemed to be regretting his decision to save the world, mainly because of the food. The end of the world was going something like this: a group of terrorists had created a super enhanced human to protect their experiments on destroying the Earth. If not for the food, I would’ve forced the original to switch places with me. It was simply amazing, and helped me forget about the day. Apparently, tomorrow, this would all end and I would have to defeat that super enhanced human.

The next day, I woke up to a super loud alarm. “*crackle* The terrorists are attacking our base. Please defend it and have a nice day. *crackle*” I really hate people that are all calm during a huge event, say one that involved our lives. I jumped out of bed, feeling exhilarated, and ran outside. It seemed to be nighttime, as it darkness still held the world in its grasp . I looked up, and instead of a moon and stars, a huge warship blotted out the sun as it started its landing sequence. How am I supposed to fight that? I thought. It suddenly went into a freefall as an anti-air missile streaked toward and met its target. A figure jumped out without a parachute and landed on the ground, cracking the floor. Seems to be the enhanced human, I thought. I’ll defeat him quickly. They made a very bad move trying to fight us at our base. This will be really easy. I pulled a level, and he fell down into a crevice between two mountains, and then the opening closed. I highly doubt that was… Suddenly, the mountains split apart, and he jumped out again. Oh god. He can split mountains. Let’s see how he deals with… THIS! I ran to the lab, where I mixed a solution of melted C4 and a rare substance dubbed “The Liquefier”. I threw the vial at the human, and it exploded and melted off his body to reveal… another human. And another. And another. And so on until a human smaller than me popped out, smoking and coughing. So, the “super enhanced” human in reality consisted of a regular person with hundreds of strength enhancing suits. That is highly ineffective against me. I forced sleeping gas into the room, then half-asleep, I dragged him into the prison room and collapsed on my bed.

Main character PoV

I must say, I acquired a tinge of impression for my clone. He trained for a long long time, and finally defeated his greatest enemy without having to use his abilities. I watched him as he ran through the corridors, letting the other inferior one smash into walls, and melt off the giant’s body. I soon passed out afterward, due to the potent effects of the sleeping gas on me. 4 days later, my clone came back, and with a bunch of the “amazing” food! We had a feast, the two of us, and we traded stories, me about homework, and him about what he did there. On the bright side, now that there are two of us, we could finish our homework doubly faster, and trade days for school! We settled down for a more peaceful life, with less fussing over homework, and lived a “normal” life…. until later.

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