Robbers | Teen Ink


November 20, 2013
By AbbeyB BRONZE, Jonesboro, Arkansas
AbbeyB BRONZE, Jonesboro, Arkansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He lies there, staring at the ceiling, thinking about what he had just caused. Robert Jones, an 18 year old senior at Middleton High School, had just committed a crime. He doesn’t want to think about it now, because he's being eaten up with guilt. Robert walked into Southern Bank around 5 p.m. on a rainy afternoon with a gun in his hand and with black on from head to toe. He had his finger on the trigger, and people already knew to get down. Who knew an 18 year old could have so much authority, but I guess anyone could holding a deadly weapon. Holding the teller at gunpoint, the only way she could save her life is by giving him every penny she had. So as he stuffed his large black bag, he could hear all the weeping and crying. Yes, Robert felt guilty but he knew he needed the money. He sprinted out of the bank trying hard to see his friend Jared's car through his black mask. Jared was a part of the scheme because he needed half of the money too. They both needed the money for their own house when they graduated, and this was the only way they were going to get it. Jared started to drive as Robert stripped out of his black clothes. They started to hear sirens, and they were both getting really antsy, but Jared and Robert pulled into a nearby gas station to clear their heads and drink some coffee. As they got through their first cup they started to be a little less stressed until they saw cop cars pull up to the gas station with their sirens blaring. They immediately drop to their knees knowing there is nothing they could do now. They were stupid to think they would actually get away with committing a crime. As the cops barge in they walk straight past them and grabbed the guy beside them. They pulled him off his feet, dragged him to the cop car and sped off. Jared and Robert looked at each other in complete shock but happiness. They knew if they had not gotten caught by now, they weren't going to get caught at all. After everything was over, they stared at their big bag of cash and finished their coffee in peace and enjoyed the rest of their night.

The author's comments:
I wanted to write a short action story, and i just thought a robbery would make a good short story.

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