Roy's Survival in the Hostile Enviroment | Teen Ink

Roy's Survival in the Hostile Enviroment

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Roy’s Survival in the Hostile Environment
In Brooklyn, an American man named Roy walked the street. Then a huge wave came by and pushed the man, a town near New York city to the ocean causing his black hair to get wet and burning his brown eyes. When he looked down at the water that surrounded him, he closed his eyes and squeezed his mouth in a frightened way. The waves carried him like a ball and threw him like a football. It went away in the ocean to become a normal ocean. It took him to an island named Coca Lawnee island where he saw a beach and a forest. The ocean stood calm and lots of small waves came by. The forest had lots of trees and it looked scary. Roy saw a lot of dangerous reptiles and animals wandering around. He crawled away from the animals that were roaming around him by hiding behind a rock. He got really scared that he didn’t have enough food and fresh water to survive in this hostile environment, so he started to scream like crazy for help!

When he screamed in the morning, his stomach started to growl and he looked so cranky, tired, and he had rashes all around his skin. He looked around the island for food but he couldn’t find any food. He found a fishing pole on the beach and went fishing near the shoreline. After he fished, he saw a tent near the trees and he brought the fish to the tent to eat. He made a campfire near his tent, fried the fish, and ate it. Roy thought about how the tent got there and he thought that the tent was left by a person who stayed there.
In the morning, he roamed around for food to not suffer from hunger or pain. In the forest, he found this guy with glasses who had pale skin and wrinkles all over his face. Roy was so happy to see someone in the island.
Roy asked, “Who are you?”.
The guy said, ”I am Muhammad Mo Gandhi and I came from India by a private jet to get food for my child and me because my child has suffered a huge stomach growl.”
“Do you have any idea how to get out of here?” asked Roy.
Gandhi said,”You have to take the route to the forest, take a right to the Norwegian road and make sure you go to the other side of the island. You will find a boat that will get you out of the island! understand?”
Then a storm started forming in the sky and thunder started to rumble. Roy was extremely terrified that no boat would come in the ocean. When the storm came for 3 days he got even more sick and waited without food and water.
The moment the sky cleared, Roy saw a boat coming and he yelled, ”Here here here!!!” A minute later, the boat saw him and the people from the boat came over and stopped in a sudden way.Then someone came and said,” How are you sir and what is your name ?” Roy told his name to the guy and he asked,”I am stranded on this island without food and water. Can you take me home?” They took him on the boat, left the island, and carried him to the ship because he looked very sick. They took him to the Brooklyn hospital to get treatment after the ship docked in the New York harbor.
The Brooklyn hospital looked like an infestation. When he went to the emergency room, he stood really sick and pale. Then the hospital had to call his wife who is an African American, with black hair, to tell her to come to the hospital. Roy’s wife said,” What happened to him and I’ll be right there.” Roy’s wife was crying in the car and tears rushed down her cheeks.When she got there she ran to the emergency room. Roy was given medicine that helped take away pain and the frustration he had when he had no food. After that Roy was happy to be better and he went home peacefully with his wife. He was relieved that he got saved from the hostile environment.

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