Thundering Survival - Part 1 | Teen Ink

Thundering Survival - Part 1

December 11, 2013
By Anonymous

“Die, you stinkin monster!”

Those were the first words that left my keyboard, as well as well as an extremely loud hissing sound, sounding very similar to a leaky flamethrower. Oh well, I guess I better explain who I am. My screen name had been MC78085123, and I strive to create great buildings. I also am a extremely good war strategist. My mission, given to me by the creator of the server, was to expand the habitable areas. So I would have picked any other place but this, except my incompetent pilot crashed into a cliff face, blowing him and the plane up. I ejected not one moment too soon, as the plane crashed and detonated just outside my safety range. There happened to be a wall that could shelter me, but it just HAPPENED to be way past my walking distance. Besides, I had landed in the Pit of Monsters. The pit of monsters is some giant sinkhole that accumulated careless monsters over time. Poop. So I wandered and fought, dodged and ran, but first added a item to my list.

164) Get pay raise

165) Bet in boxing

166) Command army



Three days later, I arrived at the edge. My body appeared exhausted, but still crawled out of the pit. I heard a voice, looked up and saw TGG12233. He said ”Need help, MC?”

TGG had vanished years ago on the same mission I had just undergone. His peers explained his fierce temper based on being descended from the bloodlines of Napoleon, Hitler, and Steve Jobs. I knew him well, as we had been on multitudes of missions together, including the Operation Wreck the Halls. Boy was it fun to see a group of screaming terrorists running around a half-blown up hideout doused in lava. Anyways, once I became healed enough to move long distances, we trekked away from the border.

I asked him, “Where in the world will we be we going?”

He answered, “To my little hideout.”


“You’ll see soon enough. Trust me.”

I soon saw his hideout. It seemed more of a fortress than a hideout, but it served it’ job well enough. Walls that towered over everything’s head, giant turrets mounted upon each corner, and a reinforced obsidian gate. We passed in easily through the gate, and shut the door behind us. And the moment I stepped in, I was shocked.

Ordinary people were going about usual business like forging armor, smelting ores, reading books, writing books, keeping watch, farming, and even playing games. I asked TGG shocked, “Where do you find all these people?”

TGG told me that every SAR party, explorer, or army that had taken a plane had crashed and blown up, exactly the same fate that I suffered. We had a long talk, and we soon agreed on one fact - the pilot’s company was certainly responsible. After all, who else could order the pilot to purposely crash into a mountain right above the Pit of Monsters time and time again? The trek would take months, so every able worker would have to build planes that only they piloted.

“C'mon, MC, lets just see how the hangar’s plane’s condition.”

The meticulous steps that needed to be followed for mini warplanes were:

Repeat 3-5 until satisfied.

For passenger planes, the steps happened to be simpler.

Train Passengers
Repeat 2 & 4

For a heavy warplane, the steps looked supercomplex.

Arm Front Weapons
Load Front Weapons
Test Front Weapons
Reload Front Weapons
Repeat With Rear Weapons
Repeat with Bottom Bays
Test Whole Plane
Repeat 2-10, 2, 6.2,7.2 if necessary


Months Later ---


The shout for all of us to put our planes into the sky was initiated. I threw my throttle up to the max, leading my fleet up into the sky. After a while, we came across an enemy fleet of planes. I gave the order to fire in arrow formation. Projectiles clouded the skies like angry bees, making it virtually impossible to remain unhurt. The planes landed on a nearby plateau,where we repaired and reloaded. We took off again, determined to stop those pilots once and for all. We fought fleet after fleet, and once even ground-strafed a repair camp. We lost 12 planes out of 70 in my fleet, 30 out of 150 in another, and 0 out of 10 in the last one so far. But our enemies weren’t out of tricks yet. Their last hope unleashed the power of a wither. We had to shoot it down with thousands of arrows before it finally gave way. We had suffered losses of 35 out of 70 in mine, 80 out of 150 on the other, and the smallest fleet got obliterated. We recrossed the border just in time, for battles had begun to rage around the outer wall. It was one half who supported the plane company and the other govt. half who was angry about the loss of their two best army officers. We poured into the battle, throwing all the ammo we had into plowing down enemies. For three days the battle raged on, throwing away many resources that we poured into the machines.

Battle caused many people to fight to survive. The enemies were less powerful, but we had become clearly outnumbered. And so Operation Milk and Cookies began. We were ordered to attack the enemies using cows and plants. It seemed weird, but the plants created a overgrown base that was impossible to escape. And the enemies drowned in cows. Another cheap mission that lead to million dollar memories. We got shot at, attempted to be blown up, and even shoved into a pit. But with the most skilled warriors on our side, the enemies were punished for their actions.

This was another mark added to both of our emblems, the rare “NetherStar” Award. Only the bravest of warriors received this honor, but even then, we knew that the danger was not over. We were sent to rescue those who had fallen in the great aerial battle, but this was where the real danger started.


As TGG and I whizzed through the sky, a unknown missile streaked through the sky towards us. The projectile detonated with more force but with the least damage ever known in the world. The shockwave ripped the plane into two boats. That was an emergency seat, that floated in water. Both of us crashed into the deep water in unknown territory. I pulled out a blank map, and a new image appeared. And it was something I’d rather not discuss. Simply put, it was literally the Sea of Monsters. And even then there existed something worse than that.
TGG and I sailed in the general direction of home, but that meant sailing through some of the most dangerous things ever, including Zone of the Living Dead Monsters, TWMDO(The Worlds Most Dangerous Object), and MOAM(Mother Of All Monsters), MOAO(Mother Of All Obstacles), MOAN(Mother Of All uNknown). If we circumvented those obstacles, we faced that thing I’d rather not talk about. So it was 6 small obstacles or a small and one extra-extra-large. Of course, the 6 small seemed more appealing at first, but we opted for the one that required less fighting.
If anyone reading this is looking for a nice calm sailing lake, I would not recommend this area. Imagine a lake with a center too horrifying to describe. Then have a large area of semibosses and monsters. Add wrecks further out, and also a whirlpool that sucks you in. Not pleasant…
Paddling through a potentially dangerous current is REALLY scary, especially if everything lies on the line. We hit shore soon, where we camped for the night. Thunder crackled overhead as we took turns resting and keeping watch. But then came the disastrous part. Mobs began popping out of the water like little moles in the whack-a-mole game, only this time they went down only after we had defeated them.
Normally, you hit one and it goes down down down. I took a deep breath, and dived.
The water engulfed me in moments, and I soon spotted the source. An underwater spawner in a tube allowed the mobs to shoot up. Some were pulled in the direction of the middle when they hit the top. I knew that that was not a good sign, but we still had to disable all those poppers. I plugged them up, one by one.
Eventually, we got back into our boats and continued rowing. We had to keep hacking down mobs, but we arrived at the most dangerous part only slightly injured. Sailing across this would be virtually impossible, as we would have to get enough momentum to keep us going to the other side. We would literally have to take a leap of faith. One wrong action could lead into the hole in the middle, which was a fate I’d rather avoid. I started screaming across the water bouncing every so often, flew into the middle, and fell down, down, and down, then splat into … wait, splat?
I had shot through the water curtain, and landed in a strange room, unknown to most other people. Moments later, TGG crashed through the curtain and plowed into me. We looked around when a voice boomed “Welcome here, I see you have arrived into my hideout!”
I strung an arrow while looking for a source to this mysterious voice. The speaker laughed as he or she said “You cannot find me, no matter how hard you try. I am invisible, and you can never expose me or my strikes.”
Just then a series of snowballs hit me in the rear end when I was looking in the wrong direction. I yelped, whirled around, and fired an arrow in the direction of the snowball’s source. The arrow actually hit it’s mark, and instantly marked the person’s location. However, the arrow soon vanished. I picked up my second weapon. The missile streaked towards its target and detonated, but I didn’t see any red flash.
I cursed in Japanese, French, and Fairy. Fairy was especially nasty. Meanwhile a battle raged. TGG launched a set of splash shots and not one of them hit their mark. This baffled me, as he had quite literally coated the room in potions. I suddenly saw the man.
To Be Continued...

The author's comments:
I will pe posting other parts of this story later.

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