Enders Game | Teen Ink

Enders Game

November 27, 2013
By Anonymous

The movie Ender’s Game is quite different than the book. Ender’s Game was a clear example of different perspectives. All the different elements weren’t the same. The book had things that the movie didn’t. The movie also changed some of the things that the book had.

All the main characters were there but they weren’t as I pictured from the book. I first pictured Bonzo as a tall, muscular person. In the movie he was shorter than I imagined. Ender had to look down when Bonzo was talking to him. Originally I thought the Petra was the only girl in battle school from the information that I got from the book. In the movie there was a lot of girls in other armies. Bean was also not what I expected. In the movie he was an average sized boy that look in similar age to the others. I thought he would be a short underdog like person. The actors played their parts pretty well. I think the director could have chosen better actors, looks wise, to play the parts.

Some of the settings in the movie was much more imaginative than my mind. I expected the battle room to be a small rectangular room with only a few star things. In the movie the room was a huge dome shape with see through walls. The eating area was a lot smaller than I thought it would. I imagined it as a huge area with hundreds of kids. Another thing that confused me was that Command School wasn’t on a deserted planet in the book. In the book Command School was in the same general area of Battle School. All of the settings were jumbled up.

“Fart eater” was the line that we all wanting to hear, but they cut it out of the movie. “Your mother cheated, that’s why you look like a plumber.” That was not in the book. It gave us a good laugh. It also was entertaining enough for the lack of fart eater in the movie.

They didn’t have all of the battles that were in the book. They had Bonzo hit his head while trying to fight Ender in the showers and after that he had to get surgery. The end was not the same either. Ender didn’t talk to Valentine at the end. Ender, instead, went on the mission for the Formics Queen. The place that he went in the mind game that Valentine would always lead him to ended up being in the planet that Commander School was on. He found the castle of the queen and foung the room where the eggs of the Formics were kept. The Queen came out from the corner and gave Ender the last living egg so he could find a new place for them to live and repopulate.

The theme of the book and movie to me is to think outside the box and to be yourself. We should all be ourselves and do our best in what we are asked to do. If we do our best than we already won half the battle. We should also be open to new things.

I would suggest that you watch the movie first then read the book. If you read the book first then the movie doesn’t seem as good cause you realize that the movie is missing some events. I think the author might of changed some of the events because he taught that it would be more interesting and fun. I enjoyed the book and the movie but I think that they should do a better job of recreating the book in the movie so that readers will enjoy the movie even after reading the book.

The author's comments:
This piece was a school assignment.

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