Train Wrecked | Teen Ink

Train Wrecked

November 8, 2013
By Anonymous

It is dark. It’s just my youngest sister and me. We crashed; I don’t know where we are. I’m scared, so is my sister. We are the only survivors here as far as I can tell. I am trying to piece together what had happened and why I was on that train anyways. Then I remembered…

My friends Chris, Lizzy, Linsley, Kierra, her pet monkey, Spankey, and I were all walking down the streets of Paris. We were visiting Paris for our summer break, and just enjoying ourselves. It was probably around 8:00a.m when we all got up. I fixed everyone breakfast, it was pancakes, eggs, and bacon. We probably left around 9:00 or 9:30 a.m. We had decided that for the day we would just go explore and go shopping at some big fancy mall for the day.

We started walking because the taxies here couldn’t fit us all in the car so we walked everywhere. To us it was no problem, but other people acted like they would rather die than walk several blocks up to a mall. We also rather enjoyed the scenery. The street we’re walking down was a brick road, but in the mornings it looked like someone had spilt a bucket filled with beautiful golden paint. Right now it didn’t look like that but it was still a very pretty site. Looking back now though it looked like the Gods made it.

As we were walking we walked past a stairway leading to the subways. Chris had never been on a subway and asked if we could go on it. I said no because I have a fear of being in a tight space with a lot of people. However he argued that he had never been on a train before and that it would be a short ride. My other friends had no problem with it o I gave up and agreed to go.

Once we on there I knew it had been a mistake. This feeling of dread washed over me and I knew at that moment that something was going to happen. Before I could say anything the doors closed behind me and we started to move. I was standing next to an older lady dressed in a greenish color; it looked almost like a really dark teal color. Chris was standing on the other side of her, and next to him was young girl who was flirting with him. He seemed to be enjoying himself; he had a huge smile on his face and was laughing. I felt happy for him. Next to her sat Linsley, Lizzy, and Kierra. They were all smiling and laughing as well, so I kept my mouth shut. On my right side there was an elderly couple, ad next to them was a mother and her son he looked to about four. He smiled and waved at me, and I waved back and tried to smile.
The feeling of dread was getting bigger, making me more nervous than before I had got on the train. As I was thinking about this I started to feel like everything was closing in on me. I started to panic. Chris must have noticed and came over and tried to calm me down. After a little bit it had started to work.


There was a huge explosion coming from the back of the train.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Each explosion seemed to get closer. Suddenly I went flying through the air and landed on my back. Metal shrapnel was flying past me and sounded like it went through the floor, or maybe it was the side of the train. I tried to dodge anything that came flying at me. I got hit a couple of time; once in the leg and a shard of glass cut the side of my face. I pulled out the piece of metal from my leg and found a jacket that was next to me, and wrapped my leg up with part of it. I had not noticed my surroundings. As I looked around and had seen that Chris was next to me, dead. There was a very large piece of metal in his stomach. It was probably from the roof or somewhere nearby, but it looked like it had nearly cut him in half.

I started to panic. I needed to find the rest of my friends and a way out of here. How long would I last down here? I got up, and started go look around for not just my friends but also anybody else that had survived. I started to maneuver myself through the ruble that surrounded me. I could barely make out the bodies of people lying around. I kept looking for Lizzy, Linsley, Kierra, and Spankey.

After what felt like a half hour I spotted Kierra’s blond hair. Spankey was lying right next to Kierra; almost on top of her. He had a bloody stain in his fur right over is heart. I rolled him off of kierra. When I looked at her I had noticed that she had a large, and deep cut on her head. I felt her face, on a spot that wasn’t completely covered in blood. She felt cold; not humanly, but it had sent a chill down my spine. I knew she was dead. Her eyes were still open when I found her, so I closed them before I left to go look for Lizzy and Linsley.
I found them not to far away, but they were covered in what looked like ash or some sort of grey substance. They were both face down on the floor, which had been the side of the train originally. Lizzy had multiple shards of glass all of which were a dangerous medium size. The shards of glass looked as though they had pierced through her skull. Her face was so bloody that I could hardly recognize her. I started to cry. She was like my sister, we were almost like twins. Now she was gone forever. I remember thick things like, ‘Who would I talk to now? Who would I tell my secrets to, and share my fears with? Who would I get mad at, and who would I laugh with. Who would I tell about my crushes or boyfriends and stuff like that? I felt hopeless. Lost, I also felt confused about what to do. Then suddenly I was just angry. Angry that she had left me and wasn’t coming back.

I cried until I had no more tears left. I took one last glance at her and went to look for other survivors. I knew that if I had stayed by her any longer I would’ve stayed with her and never have left. No matter what. I searched up and down what had been the train. Only a few seats were left. And what was left of them wasn’t much. As I looked around I started to wonder how I could have survived. After the tenth time of going up and down I heard a rattling sound, like something was pinned under some sort of metal or a piece of tin. It was faint at first, and then it grew louder. I followed the sound to the back of the train; where I had found a piece of tin or metal. I couldn’t tell which it was because all of the metal that I have see so far were really thin but large. The big object was also covered in blood from people who had been around his area.

I heard what had sounded like a whimper. It came from behind the large object. As I got closer I could tell it was just tin. I hear another whimper. I moved as quickly as I could to try to get to the little whimper. Once I had finally gotten to the piece of tin I tried to move it only to find that I could not move it. It was much too large for me to move by myself. I had to find out what was making that whimpering sound. I tried to call out to it, but there had been no response. I remember looking around to find something that I could use to pry the piece of tin off of the little thing making the sound. Well it sounded. I sure hoped it was. But oh well if it wasn’t at least I helped it. I took another glance around. As I was looking around I had seen a piece of pipe. Probably from a seat or something like that. I found a small area where I could wedge the pipe in just enough to try to pry the tin away from whatever was trapped underneath. I pulled and the piece of tin moved a lot more than I thought it would. I told whatever was under there to come out. Nothing. I waited just a couple more minutes, and then told it to hurry and come out. Again nothing. I put the wedged the pipe in a little further and then tried to find something that I could reach from here to hold the pipe in place. I found a seat that I could try to put the pipe behind to hold. I reached for the seat and grabbed it. I pulled it with all the strength that I had left and got it loose enough to put the pipe behind. I waited just a minute to see if it would hold. It did.
I went into the little hole. It was pitch black, so I felt around for something small, something that might have made that noise. Then suddenly there was another tremendous shake. The pipe wedged free from it captive position and went flying. I have no idea where to nor do I care. Just as I felt something small the tin collapsed on top of me and whatever was under there with me. I felt panicked and couldn’t breathe. I started to kick as hard as I could at the tin. It moved ever so slightly. I kept kicking at it suddenly filled with a huge amount of strength. It kept moving, slowly, but moving. I could finally see some light peeking in from outside the tin; I kicked it one last time. This time the tin moved enough for me to grab whatever it was that had been trapped and get out of there. We made it out just before it collapsed back onto the spot where we had just been.

I looked at what I had just saved and burst into tears… It was my youngest sister, Angalina. I felt nauseous when I looked at her face. It was covered in burn makes and blood. I checked her for a pulse and to see if she was breathing. A huge pressure lifted from my chest as I watched her little chest rise and fall, and heard her heartbeat. I held her close, trying to keep her warm, and cried. I had no idea how she got here to Paris and who she was with. I just sat there waiting, waiting for her to wake up, or move. She didn’t, I started to feel helpless. I don’t remember what happened next, I must have passed out. When I woke up she was still right next to me under my arm. I cried a little more and said to myself that I would never let her out of my sight again. I hugged her tight. I held her perfectively. I sat up slowly and tried to wake her up. She stirred slightly. I tried again. The second time worked. She opened her eyes and slowly sat up and took in her surroundings. Once everything kicked in she looked at me with her big blue eyes filled with tears. She started to cry, I started to cry as well and tried to calm her and myself.

I looked into her scared little eyes and told her that we needed to move. We needed to find food and water and hopefully find a way out of the place. She picked up her chin bravely and said that she would try her best. So we left. We went looking for what we needed and found it all in a backpack. There were canned food supplies and several bottles of water. There was also a First-Aid kit. I opened it and found some burn cream for Angalina’s burns on her face. I told her that it might sting but she needed it or it would only get worse. She agreed silently. I put it on her wounds and bandaged it up the best that I could. Then we found a little gap, not far from the backpack, leading out of this death trap. I went first to see if it was safe or not. Lucky for us it was. I went back to get her and made her go in front of me, that way I could watch her and make sure she got out. We both made it out safely but from there, there had no was out.

It’s dark. It’s just my youngest sister and me. We crashed; I don’t know where we are. I’m scared, so is my youngest sister. We are the only survivors as far as I can tell. Now the only question is if we will survive for much longer, or will we be found?

The author's comments:
I wrote this for a class assignment

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