The Stranger | Teen Ink

The Stranger

November 8, 2013
By deaths_shadow BRONZE, League City, Texas
deaths_shadow BRONZE, League City, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"what a waist of a perfectly good clean wrist"
- Pierce The Veil

I awake with a terrible headache.I look around to try and figure out where I am, but all I see is black. When the thought come to me that I am not in my house I start to panic. I try to remember last night. It all comes rushing back to me.
I was walking home from a concert when a black van slowed down near me. Panicked I run. They speed up to catch me. The woods! I think. They cant get me there. I run faster than I ever imagined I could. When coming to the hill that leads towards the woods I jump it. I take a rounding left. I stop to look back. When I see the van stop and the people get out I pick up my speed again. If I can just get to that one abandoned house again. I think.I run along the back of the woods. Just when I start to see the house I run even faster.I can hear the men screaming at each other to split up and corner me. Nice try, I memorized these woods. I think. When I hear a gun shot I think they are shooting at me I start to run in a serpentine movement. When i realize that they aren't shooting at me I run straight again. Just as I start to go up the stairs a stranger comes out. "Help me please," I beg." people are trying to get me." I look up at him. That is when I realize that he is drop-dead gorgeous. My mouth runs dry. All he does is open the door for me and after i walk in he shuts the door and walks off. I walk to the window to see what is happening. I see the men that where trying to get me hurdle around the guy. I stare in awe as he wipes them out with one punch. When he starts to come up the stairs I stand near the door. When he walks in I try to thank him but he just punches me in the jaw. I fall onto the floor. " What the hell!" I scream. When he kneels down next to me I scoot back. He reaches out and I am already against the wall. He wraps his arm around my neck and pulls my neck up to is mouth. When I fell something sink into my neck I scream, but it was useless...I was dying. When he pulls away I see fangs. He smiles and his fangs covered in my blood shrink back into his mouth. "Sorry, he said "I was hungry." I shudder at the memory. When i open my eyes again he is right there in front of me. "Last night was fun...don't you agree?" he ask. I reach up to my neck to find two holes. I roll my eyes. "You need to feed." he says. When i realize what he is talking about I reach up to my mouth. When I feel a prick i pull my hand away to find two small holes. I smile . "Yes" I say. He takes my hand and we walk out into to the woods to go feed. I smile when he holds my hand. We walk and i realize that this is my new life.

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